If no edits have been done on your application does that mean review hasn't started on your application?

3 so far
Last was on 12

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Last edited was 17 so far. 3 also. 2 edits same day

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No edits yet, applied on the 29th of March

I could not access the forum for a couple days. This week , I got a second edit, and the next morning I received an email. Good luck to everyone in this matter…


Congratulations @Y_A

When did you submit your application?

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23rd of March Evening

@alex_james They replied with rejection.

They gave me only OC2

The reason for rejecting my MC and OC3 wasn’t really valid so I’m appealing

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Oh, sorry about the rejection. You can share the feedback so people can advise you. Please, what time did you get the feedback? Also, your last edited is what?

Stage One - Expectional Promise Rejection And Appealing

Yesterday night 9:30pm WAT

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Your last edited was?

25th, it was the same day I got the response