If no edits have been done on your application does that mean review hasn't started on your application?

I have applied Over a week, and no edits yet.

What date did you apply?

I apllied March 22 around 1am

Oh! I applied same date with you. No edit also

Okay, Good luck to us.

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What category and skills did you apply under…?

Exceptional Promise
OC2 & OC3

I mean is it software engineer or other skills?

Software Engineering

I think telling what edits mean is tricky. There are a lot of cases where people get a response without edits so there is no way to be sure.

I havent seen edit as well. Where do I get that?

Hi! I got endorsed for Exceptional Talents and still never showed any edits on my application. So don’t worry! I know the feeling I kept checking and there was nothing, but in the end it didn’t matter.


@Salmaa_Elshanshory, so you mean the last edited showing in your application right now is the date you submitted?

Congratulations on your endorsement

Exactly, it shows this:

28 Feb 2023 04:09 (GMT)
Salmaa Elshanshory moved application “XXXXX” to stage “Assessment”.

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@Salmaa_Elshanshory I think that may be for the activity column, how about when you click this?

is the “last edited” same as your submitted date on the page you redirected to?

Oh boy you are right! Do they ever add if you received it? I never got that, just the email.

I only got the usual email for home office receiving the application and moving it to technation…well that is expected, the email afterwards is the endorsement review feedback…finger crossed

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@kola123 have you had any edit so far?

@alex_james I got an edit today, what about you?

I have not seen any edit so far