Exceptional Talent - Need Help Understanding Feedback from Tech Nation

Hello everyone,
I applied for the Exceptional Talent visa, but my application was rejected. I’m seeking help to better understand the feedback I received from Tech Nation. I have been recognised as a leading talent in the digital technology sector (MC) and have met optional criteria OC3, but I did not succeed in meeting OC2.

Assessment panel feedback:

The candidate has applied with optional criteria 2 and 3 (work outside occupation and impact). The candidate has not provided sufficient information to endorse for exceptional talent.

The candidate has demonstrated they have been recognised as a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last five years. The candidate has shared information on scaling his games company, some public speaking and blogs, and letters of reference (note one is missing a signature). Together, these are sufficient to show how he has led the growth of a product-led tech business and has some recognition in the sector.

The candidate has significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder of a product-led digital technology company. The candidate has shared some of his work driving the growth of Cassagi and Cassa Games. This is supported with his grants that have been won alongside commercial sales.

The candidate has not demonstrated recognition for work beyond the his occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field. The candidate has shared information on speaking at Game Days Slovakia and mentoring new talent. The candidate’s mentoring, while laudable, does not show the required structure and selection per the guidelines. The candidate speaking at Games Day was part of the panel and does not show a track record, so without additional evidence couldn’t be shown to advance the field.

After reading the panel feedback, I found the first three paragraphs to be positive. Paragraph 4 addresses OC2 and explains in detail why my evidence was insufficient, which I agree with. It seems that if I provide additional evidence for the OC2 criteria, I might be able to meet the requirements for the Talent Visa.

However, what confuses me is part of the document; Feedback - further details.

Feedback – further details

People who enter through Global Talent are expected to have an outstanding track record/career history. The reviewers felt that the applicant’s track record was sufficiently strong to be endorsed under Global Talent.


The strength of the evidence as presented in the supporting statement(s), persuaded the reviewers that the applicant met the mandatory and optional criteria and should therefore be endorsed under Global Talent.


The reviewers felt the application demonstrated that the applicant’s presence in the UK will be of sufficient merit to be endorsed for entry through the Global Talent route.


The reviewers felt that there was sufficient evidence within the application to demonstrate that the applicant could be considered a leader/potential leader in the field of digital technology.


The reviewers confirm that the age of the evidence submitted as part of the application sufficiently shows that the applicant has demonstrated exceptional talent or promise within the last 5 years.


All decisions are marked as “NO,” which, from my perspective, contradicts what is stated in the assessment panel feedback.

Is my understanding correct or wrong?

Also, does this mean that if I improve OC2 and meet all the mandatory and optional criteria, these responses will change to “YES”?

Thank you all for your help and support.


hi @Martin_Ostrolucky ,

Can you share the list of evidences submitted?

Hi Maya,
this is my list of evidences:

MC - Evidence 1 - Founded and led the growth of a game development company
MC - Evidence 2 - National and international recognition

OC2 - Evidence 1 - Conference speaking at Game days Slovakia 2022
OC2 - Evidence 2 - Mentorship outside of my immediate occupation
OC2 - Evidence 3 - Participating in interest group

OC3 - Evidence 1 - A significant contribution to project funding
OC3 - Evidence 2 - Led the development of innovative product

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Hi @Martin_Ostrolucky ,
Seems your application was strong and evidences for Mandatory and Optional were accepted. However, for OC2 do you think you submitted any information alongside the evidences about number of audience, invitation letters to you to speak and why you were chosen? Were there any statics submitted?of views? Interactions?

If these info were shared, feel free to appeal highlighting all the details? If not, then resubmitting would be the best choice as you need to add more details additional to your submitted application.

Im not an expert just love to help.
Best of luck

Hi Maya,
thanks for your help. I think that regarding OC2, the evidence I have provided was not sufficient, and I will need to attend additional conferences to meet their criteria.

You can appeal OC2. I think the list of evidence you provided loks sufficient. Can you explain what you provided for the conference speaking? Dis you provide picture of you speaking, invitation email or letter from organisers? What did you use as evidence of mentorship? What document did you provide for organizing interest group? I think you should appeal first before submitting a new application as there is no guarantee that the MC and OC3 may be considered sufficient in a new application. I think it is always best to have 3-4 evidence for MC and 3 evidence for OC.

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Hi Francisca,
Thank you for your assistance. I am planning to appeal before submitting a new application.

I was particularly interested in your response regarding the MC and OC3 criteria potentially not being considered sufficient in a new application. This concerns me, as I believed that once your proofs are deemed sufficient, they would not be subject to change by another person at Tech Nation.

Do you know anyone who has gone through a similar experience?


Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are many cases where evidence accepted in a previous application maybe rejected in a fresh application. Hopefully those who have experienced this situation will shed more light. @pahuja any thoughts?

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That’s correct! Have seen couple of cases in this forum eg. On this thread Why is Tech Nation not consistent with Reviews

However, I would still recommend you appeal since your evidence looks strong and hence it’s worth a shot!

Have definitely seen only 1-2 of these cases but many many more where the previously qualified criteria are not changed.

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Thanks so much for your help. I’m going to go ahead with the appeal and see how things turn out.


I would map and try to improve the evidences - this might help UK Global Talent Visa TechNation Stage 1 Mandatory and Optional Criteria Checklist

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Thanks, this looks useful :slight_smile:

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