UK Global Talent Visa TechNation Stage 1 Mandatory and Optional Criteria Checklist

Hi everyone, in the past few weeks I have been receiving a lot of questions around validating Evidence against the Criteria for individual cases as part of the TechNation Alumni Ambassadors team.

As you would know, me (and the rest) are only volunteers and cannot comment in detail on how accurately each individual has prepared their Evidences.

However, I understand that getting your Evidences right is probably one of the most important aspects of the application and that it was fairly painful to complete the exercise when I had done so long ago… so have created this Criteria Checklist that should allow you to mark and track what Evidence is good to submit as part of the Tech Nation Global Talent Visa Stage 1 application.

It covers evidence examples for both Mandatory and Optional Criteria for the UK Global Talent Visa / TechNation Stage 1 application.

Note that these are only examples drawn from the official site and are intended only as a useful reference. Please use your personal discretion to decide which evidence is best to present your individual case.

You can access the Checklist here: Global_Talent_Visa_Criteria_Checklist.xlsx - Google Sheets

Ofcourse the Guidance Link of TechNation is the holy grail of references so I would definitely read and use that actively: Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

All the best.


Thanks for sharing @Anurag_Singh

Thanks @Anurag_Singh for your helpful contributions.

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Thanks for sharing, @Anurag_Singh

Thanks for sharing this @Anurag_Singh

Thanks for sharing @Anurag_Singh