Translating Evidence

My salary details document is not in English.
Can I translate it on my own (including the currency) or should it be some sort of official translation?


Do you have any other related proof in English? For example, a paystub, or a bank statement? Then add them as well.

Yes, I guess a translation should be fine. But I would recommend you to ask this question directly to Tech Nation.
They are quite prompt in answering.

Instead of the translation, you may consider asking for a letter from the Employer written in English specifically for this visa. I think it would look even better and may include employer recommendation as well as financial information.

Disclaimer: I don’t work for Tech Nation and I don’t represent Tech Nation. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

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Tech nation also answered me:

"For the translations, we typically are looking for a certified translation (there are a number of organisations who provide this service) or another method to guarantee the credibility of the translation to our assessors. "

Hi! I want to ask a question for a case since you are experienced on this topic. There is a website showing my product’s award, but it’s Turkish. I can make it translated by a certified notary. I wonder if you would put both the original screenshot and the translated one or just put the translated text and put the original one as an URL? Thanks!

I think it’s always better to include the original version.

But to be honest, if it’s a screenshot from a website i’d just include it as a screenshot translated with google translate. Plus I would add the caveat that it’s translated with google translate.

(I’m not certified and don’t know exactly how they look at these things)

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Ah, that was a quick response. Thanks a lot!

By the way, maybe you can be interested in my profile, I’m open to any feedback!

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I used Chrome’s built-in translate feature to translate the award page and used the screenshot. I also made it sure the URL is visible in the screenshot. That worked for me.

However, I had reference letters for the award in English from the CEO of the compang I worked for. Screenshot was in the last page.


@pont87 @vzaidman Yes Google Translate is a nice way even-though it translates everything terrible. But I think if I explain what the text means it will be ok. What do you think about it?

No idea… If it’s terrible to the point you need to explain it- maybe use a translator.

See a few comments above regarding the translations they accept:

"For the translations, we typically are looking for a certified translation (there are a number of organisations who provide this service) or another method to guarantee the credibility of the translation to our assessors. "

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Hi, I also wonder about one point. Do you think I should put the original one and translated one together? It wastes many places in my evidence. What do you think about just putting translated one with Chrome’s built-in translator?

I also wonder your thoughts about this topic @vzaidman

I’d say it’s okay but sadly, I don’t know how they see it.

Seems like making the URL visible is very important.! And also make the hyperlink accessible. I was rejected because I didn’t include the URL and the judge said several hyperlinks cannot be accessed.

Hi. I was not endorsed by my high salary evidence was approved. My salary evidence is my offer letter. I translated it into English together with the same format, sealed with official translation.

But I also attached an original copy in Google Drive.