This is how I got my Endorsement under Promise Route (AI/ML Engineer)

@alex_james The main recommendation letters by my recommenders were addressed to “To Tech Nation, UK”, however, I got 1 page endorsement letter for different evidences such a speaking engagements & voluntary international collaboration/contributions, where my recommenders have addresses “To whom it may concern”. To keep in mind, I have included the 1 page endorsement letters within the evidence documents that I have submitted along with other proofs such as screenshots of contributions/engagements and news clippings.


@somdipdey @Tamil_Selvan. I have all evidence including awards received way back from 2015 to date. I’m applying for promise. Must all my evidence that I want to submit be within 5 years (2017- 2022) or it doesn’t matter?

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Any reference/award beyond last five years are not considered


Please, I am trying to fill out the application on tech nation, and I am confused. I did not see where to add “Personal Statement”. Also, will I upload all the MC and OC under the Evidence file (optional) because I did not see any dropdown to specify which document I am submitting.

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Hi @alex_james, the personal statement should be inside the Application Form and I would recommend you to start from the Application form and close it one by one. Then you will not be confused. All the best for your application.


Thank you @Tamil_Selvan.

Lastly, I’m a software engineer but my development revolves around Edtech, fintech and healthtech. Please, what’s the best selection for me under “Please indicate your sector” since I can only select one.


I have filled that as an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. From the Tech Nation guide,

I think you can mention all 3 of them I feel. or the most you worked with.


I suggest you select the sector among the 3 that is least crowded in UK or that is most recent in terms of development

It may communicate uniqueness and high necessity to have in the UK unlike a sector that is getting overcrowded

Except if the field allows you to select multiple sectors



i have a question, did you attach the letters as Jpg. a i remember you or someone else mentioned adding brief description for the document.


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Thanks @Tamil_Selvan and @Yusuf_Adebanjo.

I can only select one option, as seen in the image attached. as suggested, maybe I will go for the most worked with, which is the education sector. But I do not think that option should decide if one gets endorsed or not as it’s confusing.


Hi Tamil,

I’m guessing you and I hail from the same state here in India. I too received my global talent promise visa and I actively follow this forum. I guess I received mine two days prior to yours. It’s great that you have made a post about your experience in order to help people out with their applications. Would be great to connect with you as I believe we have a lot of commonality and I also think that our Stage 2 applications would time in a similar fashion. Do send me a connect request here if you wish to:

Here’s my linkedin

Looking forward

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Hey @Archid_Vignesh, Congratulations on your endorsement and sending you the connection request right now.

Hi @Maya, I have submitted all docs as a pdf. I had one page word.docx (convert into pdf) and 2 pages LOR.pdf. I combined using and have it as a one document.


Hi @Tamil_Selvan, thank you so much for sharing your journey here. It’s really helpful.
I have a question about the LOR,

"The letters must also:

be typed and dated
be up to 3 single sides of A4 paper, excluding the author’s credentials and contact details"

Does this mean the letter must be up to 3 pages or it shouldn’t be more than 3 pages🤔


Hi @Olubunmi_Fajuyigbe,

The letters should not be typed more than 3 pages. Even, it can be on a single page LOR. But the max is 3 excluding the authors creds ( name, email, phone number, organization…etc)

Remember, this does not apply to the additional reference letters for the evidence documents. It should not exceed more than 3 pages including the author’s creds for the reference letter for MC or OC.


Thank you so much @Tamil_Selvan. You have been extremely helpful.

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Hello @Tamil_Selvan

thanks for getting back to me. i understand that LOR must be submitted as PDF along with CVs. however, some applicants , attached these letters as screenshots and added some brief descriptions above, or so and then combined all pages and converted to PDF.
i was wondering if this is a good approach or should i attach the letters as they originally are without further info.


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Hi @Maya, Thanks for asking. Yes, it is better to give a small brief in the first page itself. For Example, I will take my document,

  • Document 2: Proof of Employment for Document 1 & Reference Letter from a Leading industry expert (US) on the client side who spoke about my talent & leadership skills.

Here on the first page, I have added some screenshots of my Proof of employment, Renumeration summary including GBP conversion and a small note about the reference letter that I attached on the next 2 pages. Then, the next 2 pages were a reference letter.

It is better to give a brief about the evidence, about the person giving you the reference letter and your connection with her/him or the project you have worked with.

I feel, it is better to have a small note in the first page, then add the original reference letter as a pdf instead of image which will be more authentic.


@alex_james As per TN guidelines, the evidences submitted has to be from last 5 years (2017-2022). You can be affiliated to a project before that timeframe but the evidence that you provide has to be from within the 5 years.

For example, I have been developing an international standard since 2012 and has been part of that project till today. So, in my evidence document I have shown my current affiliation with this project and recommendation letter from the standard’s manager/chair from the recent date. Separately, in majority of my evidence documents I have provided evidences from 2018-2020, which falls in the middle of the 5 year mark. I have specifically chosen that way because the TN guidelines mention that evidences submitted just for the purpose of this visa can not be considered, so, its better to provide evidence that are not very current but rather a bit old, but not too old that it goes beyond the 5 years mark.

Hope this helps.


Does it mean the author’s cred will not be included?

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