This is how I got my Endorsement for Global Talent Visa under Exceptional Talent Route (AI/ML Researcher)

@somdipdey Yes, the updated guide states that evidence must be unique. So people can’t get away with using same evidence across multiple criteria.

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HEy Som, did you get a chance to understand if you can share your personal statement here?

Dear @somdipdey

many thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I am in the process of uploading Evidenc Documents and I saw a Note in the application form that roughly says:

Note: Whilst you can use multiple documents to support each criteria, each document must only contain a single piece of related evidence.


In some of the documents, I put two reference letters in one document, addressing and confirming one topic. for instance: For one of the Mandatory criteria documents, after a brief explanation about my startup and myself I put two reference letters and one certificate (Knowledge-intensive company) all arranged in 3 pages.

  • A reference letter from my co-founder which confirmed my role and contribution
  • Another reference letter from a Director of the Technology Incubator where we were a member of them. confirming my role contributions and startup achievements.
  • Certificate of a Knowledge-intensive company

Please kindly advise me, on what I should do now. can I proceed with the TechNation process or do I need to revise my documents and remove extra pieces of evidence that I put in one document?

Thanks a lot

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if im understanding correct it means one evidence can be used once and cannot be repeated? example one media report can be used only once

I am not up to date with the current rules on evidences and may be @Francisca_Chiedu and other active members can shed some light on this topic. However, if I can recall in the evidence document on news clippings I included multiple news sources in the same file that talked about my work. I didn’t include any other evidence related to news clippings but I did refer to this piece of evidence in other evidences when needed so that some of them could point to each other to create a complete story.
That said, the way we provide evidence(s) as part of GTV application might have changed slightly since I applied.

Additionally, how I arranged my news clippings can be found in this reply: This is how I got my Endorsement for Global Talent Visa under Exceptional Talent Route (AI/ML Researcher) - #23 by somdipdey

Hi @somdipdey there are new changes since you applied. You can’t use two same evidence in another criteria.

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I am supper proud reading this Dr. but I have a challenge, and I need help on this, I got Bachelor of Business Administration degree, but shortly after college in 2016, I transitioned into tech fully from frontend to now full stack as professional since 2019, will my former background not work against me, I actually don’t want to self reject myself just like you said

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Hello Francisca!

I have a challenge, and I need help/clarification on this, I got Bachelor of Business Administration degree, but shortly after college in 2016, I transitioned into tech fully from frontend to now full stack as professional since 2019. Do I still stand a chance. I sincerely don’t want to self reject myself

@Olayemi_O_Ogunrinde Personally, I do not feel degree matters in getting the GTV until you are using your degree as one of the evidences (maybe others on the forum can shed more light on this topic).

I have not used my degree or academic progress as an evidence in my application. Your contribution to the tech sector and how you have added value to the tech sector is more important as evidence(s) for GTV application. If you can prove this then you will be fine to apply.

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It doesn’t matter if you have a degree in business administration. What you should be concerned about is the evidence you have to meet the mandatory and optional criteria.

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Congratulations for you and a big thanks for sharing :two_hearts:

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What was the format or templates of letter of recommendation? what i mean by template is everyone who will give a recom letter should start with dear sir madam… ?

is there any specific template for the personal statement as well ? and the other documents ? is there a guidance to follow ?

Hi @somdipdey thanks for sharing your experience. It is super helpful.

I am a research scientist at Deepmind, I am also looking into applying for this visa. I was wondering if you would have any pointers about the format of recommendation letters.

Im wondering what kind of things should the referee emphasize in the letter? The guide says that the reference letter should show “How the author considers the applicant shows exceptional talent or promise”. Does this mean that the referee should explicitly talk about points in the mandatory and optional categories? For example, the impact of my work, how I am mentoring PhD students outside of my work time.

Many thanks,

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@little_sunshine If I can recall correctly, these are some of the points that the recommenders have written in the letters as follows:

  1. Write the letter with their respective company’s letter-heads and signed off with their name, contact information (number and official email) as well as their LinkedIn profile link;
  2. Regarding, “How the author considers the applicant shows exceptional talent or promise,” they have mentioned in their opinion how do they see you as an exceptional talent or promise by providing evidence of the work that you have done and contributions to the tech sector. Their onion of you and your work can be either in mandatory or optional category but my recommenders specified both for me.
  3. Regarding mentoring PhD students, please be careful as there are very specific evidences that are acceptable for mentoring. For example, I had mentored PhDs but I did not show them as evidence or even asked my recommenders to talk about it. I instead showed my peer-review of journals and conferences as a form of mentoring instead, and asked my recommenders to talk about that instead.

Since, you are a research scientist at Deepmind, I think our research is closely related and should have similar evidences to show. But its worth asking others in the forum about this as the rules have slightly changed since I have applied.

All the best with your application. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi @somdipdey, thanks so much, it’s really helpful.

Do you have what kind of evidence do they look for for mentoring PhD students? I am officially co-supervising 3 PhD students, so i guess at least for these 3 students, I could get maybe something from the university to show that I am an advisor?

Also, I was wondering about whether I should apply for exceptional talent or exceptional promise. I started my PhD in ML in 2018, I graduated in 2022, and have been working at Deepmind since. Im wondering if this means I have more than 5 years of experience in the field (not sure if PhD counts).

Im wondering if you might know more about this, thanks for your help, it’s much appreciate it.

Hi @little_sunshine, I am not sure how to show the PhD mentorship as I also had the same issue/question and didn’t find anyone else who showed it as an evidence, so, I finally went with other form of evidences instead.

Regarding, applying as exceptional talent, I started my PhD on Embedded AI in 2018 and applied for GTV in 2022, so, I applied for the Exceptional Promise as it was less than 5 years for me. But I guess, after looking at the evidences, the officer endorsed me for Exceptional talent instead. So, that is definitely a possibility. I would suggest that play it safe and the GTV endorsement officer would decide which category you will fall in. But again, this is just my suggestion based on my opinion.

Hi @somdipdey, thanks a lot, that’s super helpful to know. I will apply for Exceptional Promise then.

Im also a little confused about how to show that I am a leader in this field, and the rules have changed now that you cant use the same evidence for multiple categories.

So roughly speaking, my evidence are:

  1. In terms of citations, citation count > 5000, h-index > 30
  2. I won the Google PhD fellowship during my PhD.
  3. Im a core contributor to Gemini.
  4. I was a AC/ reviewer for Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR/ JMLR
  5. I’ve organized quite a few workshops at Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR
  6. I’ve given invited talks at workshops at Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR
  7. Ive been supervising PhD students (but maybe have to gather evidence for that).
  8. RS at Deepmind.

Im wondering which of this I should use to show for which category, Im also not entirely sure which categories I should use other than MC.

It seems like the below OCs all fit.
Optional 1: recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field.
Optional 2: Made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company
Optional 3: they have demonstrated exceptional ability in the field by academic contributions through research published or endorsed by an expert.

OC 1,

  • I was a AC/ reviewer for Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR/ JMLR
  • I’ve organized quite a few workshops at Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR
  • I’ve given invited talks at workshops at Neurips/ ICML/ ICLR
  • Ive been supervising PhD students (but maybe have to gather evidence for that).

OC 2

  • I was a core contributor to Gemini

OC 3

  • My publication list

For MC, I was thinking of using

  • RS at Deepmind, Im paid decently well.
  • I won the Google PhD fellowship during my PhD.

Do you think this makes sense to you? I guess if I dont use OC 2, I can use the evidence that Im a core contributor to Gemini as a part of MC?

Also, quite a few of my papers have received spotlight presentations at ICLR and NeurIPS, Im wondering if I should also point that out somewhere too.

Thanks so much again,

Thank you for providing the information. I’m wondering if this level of viewership is considered significant? I’ve exported a report from Similar Web for articles published within the last 5 years, indicating an average viewership of 5000. Is this traffic considered low? And would it meet our mandatory criteria?

Hello everyone,
Can the former head of the human resources department of the company I work with write me a recommendation letter?
Kindly assist me.
Thank you

If the person is not a leader in the tech field, it won’t likely fly just being a human resources manager in a tech firm doesn’t make you a digital technology leader.

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