Stage 1 waiting times?

Looks like assesor used chatgpt to write the feedback, this is seriously dissapointing.

You should appeal, my rejection or acceptance is on the way as well. The same assesor was assesing our applications.

My first OC2 had all detailed evidence including my name listing as the team part of the event on their website and I added a reference letter on the google drive which i think wasn’t looked at.

The second oc2 I had highlighte screen shot of my talkin a games expo program and also had a YouTube link highlighting me in one of Africa’s top esport tournament that I was interviewed in

The third oc2 showed my participation in the first ever Xbox camp in Africa

My third Oc2 shows my voluntary role as a Unity developer including codes and google drive reference to a function testing I created

The OC3 shows details of my work on a game project and I showed metrics in form of downloads gotten as regards to impact. The second oc3 shows details of my work and also a detailed game development document showcasing my role.

I also added a third oc3 as form of reference letter showing my impact and detailed information about my roles and how I solved issues in development .

@Carthy actually the assessor had literally got no time to read it however from the assesor feedback it looks like you had added many external links.

Like even for me i added them as well but i made sure that if i am adding them in the drive i should better add screenshot of reference letter to the evidence as well, same goes for every piece of evidence in my application.

However you can appeal and direct the assesor towards missed evidences that he didn’t bother to read. Better as far as OC3 is concerned they are accepting your work contributions, assesor just wants to see the impact and you are saying you had added impacts. It would be great if you point assesors towards the impacts in OC3. In my opinion after appeal your OC3 could be accepted.

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@Carthy did you add any external evidences such as any media recognition, article, public recognition in the form of appreciation.

I saw that your name on the official website in OC2 however they wanna see more visible evidences that are added in your application not solely just a links but screenshots aswell.

For all the Oc2 the there was screen shot provided for each and also the links were for the reference letter, also image reference and video test of the software created which cannot be uploaded on YouTube due to company policy. For the oc3 my reference letter gave detailed impact and solutions I had provided during development Which is of a major importance to the project success.

There was a physical representation of my self on stage during the event and I added the site reference that showcased my name under teams. Also was backed with a reference letter. All evidence had screenshot. The link we’re to other necessary documents like reference letter , development document, software functionality test

Did you add reference letter seperately i mean either in evidence or a seperate evidence ? Or you just added in the drive?

I only added one reference letter for the oc2 in a google drive. The other reference letter for the OC3 was part of the evidence

@Selena did you hear back from tech nation ?

You should appeal then and point them out to tue missed documents.

Hello @Francisca_Chiedu @pahuja @Popo_Aguda I will appreciate your feed back on my rejection for an appeal.

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Hey I also got rejected but I am appealing with my lawyer
I think the reviewer didn’t even look through my evidence

Hi Selena, when did you apply and what date did you get a feedback?

@Selena for which criteria were you rejected by the way ? And reasons

@Francisca_Chiedu i have submitted new application and in previous one my MC and OC4 were accepted also they acknolwedged my work , company account and reference letter however after reapplication if in case they reject MC or OC4 can i point them to previous application ? Or what should be the steps ?

I applied on 30th July and got rejected yesterday
She has been generous with her time and has
received some recognition but not by influential organisations. Her references speak highly of her work
and character but point mainly to API work which would not be recognised as significant technical
contributions as an employee of a product-led digital technology company.
The applicant references her external contributions but unfortunately they are unreadable due to cut
and pasting too many items on a single page. There is no evidence that the applicant has exceptional
promise in the digital sector. The applicant has not been able to demonstrate any significant tenure with
any employer but instead has moved around a lot in the short amount of time she has worked within the

also applied for promise

You can do that but it depend if the review panel agree with the most recent assessor decision.

Just found out today!! Got endorsed for Global Promise :). I am so incredibly excited.

Applied Aug 7
Edits -at least 6, maybe more.
Endorsed - Aug 30

I noticed my app bucked some trends. This may be either - don’t pay too much attention to the trends, or just that I’m a weirdo and my app was very strange and unique so they had to keep assessing it.


Congrats @Michelle so happy for you!

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