Stage 1 waiting times?

Yes, there’s a chance they can withdraw endorsement in case of such an appeal. So, I would accept the promise verdict

hi all - did not receive a positive endorsement unfortunately.

I will however appeal. Let me know if anyone is able to review my appeal :smiling_face:

My timeline, although I did not track my number of edits.

Applied - 31st May
Received results - 26th June

Hope the rest of you will soon hear back!

Sorry to hear that. Hope the appeal goes in your favour. Would it be possible to share the feedback and your edit history?

Hey @Harleen_Singh sure thing. I did not check edits everyday so cant tell you the history.

All I know is I submitted on 31st May. I checked once and it was edited on 4th June. And then I checked again few weeks later and it was edited 21st June and then I got my feedback on 26th June.

Here is my feedback!

They also mixed up my evidences. Oxford and my talks were under OC 2 and not MC.

cc @Francisca_Chiedu @Chaitanya_Bapat @alexnk any advice on how to tackle this appeal?

Im really unsure about the usage of external links. Seems odd! The product management podcast also shows ratings of 4. Its not the listening count (I double checked - there are no stats available on spotify or apple. However the podcaster has 7k followers on Linkedin)

My application:


Evidence 1 - Evidence of high salary and remuneration as a Product Manager ( I am currently paid Senior PM but only a PM )

Evidence 2 - Leading the growth of a new user group within a digital tech company

  1. Spoke about me leading the research and discovery effort for 3 months on gaining a new user group so we can move up market and start to bring in more revenue for our startup that is 10 years old. Both letter of recommendations backed this work.

OC 2:

Evidence 3 - Cultivating Industry Impact: Stories of Mentorship in Tech and Product Management

  1. Spoke about my active involvement in ADP list and Intelligent People (both product mentoring programmes that you need to be accepted to). I mentor 3 times a week after working hours. I have attached many screenshots of our conversations, emails, requests regarding product management and AI related topics.

Evidence 4 - Impacting the future of product management as a Gen AI PM through organising events & social

  1. Spoke about my speaking engagement at Oxford Uni, my lunch and learn series about gen AI topics, and me being interviewed on a podcast about my career as a gen AI PM.

OC 3: (Will not deep dive into this since I met the requirements)

Evidence 5 - How I increased revenue by 144%

Evidence 6 - Leading the creation of next generation tools with AI at X Company

Evidence 7 - How I lead and shape a new fintech concept in Australia

Thank you! would appreciate some tips.

Hey Val, sorry to hear about your result. I know you’ll get advice from others too, but I had a few thoughts on how you can appeal.

Just from previous comments and feedback from here it’s been observed that TN does not consider ADP list as a structured mentorship programme. As for the podcast, it’s usually determined by how many people it’s reached and how well established it is. It would help to point out in your appeal that that’s the rating not the listen count and mention that you talked about your leadership and contribution to the industry. Also, is this series part of your university mentoring? Or what kind of mentorship is it?

As for MC, salary is alright when clubbed with other evidence that helps recognise you as a leader so it would have been beneficial to add a little more, but did you point out why the user group research was so beneficial and how it increased revenue for your company and why it was so instrumental that made it worthy of you being a potential leader? Sometimes it helps to spell things out for them in exactly why it was so good for the company so maybe that’ll help in the appeal. Because otherwise they can comment that it was just part of your job. Also did you give salary comparison for high rumination? Usually you have to prove that you are being paid a significantly higher percentage but it helps showing glassdoor/other salary comparisons for your country

Good luck :slight_smile:


Hey Nat,

Thanks so much for getting back to me. I appreciate that you took the time to provide your thoughts!

I ll consider them in my appeal proposal. Thanks for the great points!

In regards to salary, i shared a glassdoor average and Im making at least 30% more than my peers at PM level and 15-25% more than the average SPM in UK (and Im not yet an SPM). I thought that was worth calling out but i ll have to reiterate in my appeal I think!

As far as I know there is no appeal process if you received an endorsement. If you are not happy with the decision, you can wait three months for the endorsement to expire and reply for exceptional talent and hope you get what you want this time.

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Thank @Francisca_Chiedu for the response.

Edited my response as I saw your reply on my other post. Thanks

After waiting for more than 8 weeks, my application was not successful!
I emailed them on the last day of the 8th week. 3 days later, I had 3-4 edits all in one day and got the decision.
Just wanted to leave that info here for the future references.

I don’t know what my next steps will be, but wishing everyone the best of luck here.
It will be okay.

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Sorry to hear @coffeexpac feel free to share your feedback comments if you wanted suggestions on appealing or making your application stronger (in case you would like to).

Thank you so much you angel @pahuja!
I will very much like to pick your brain. I’m going to share below. Sorry it is going to be a bit long.

SUMMARY: I met MC and OC3 but not OC1.
From what I understand reading the letter, OC1 lacked in details from third-party verification like papers or patents. Though case studies and contract doc was provided as evidences, overall, the information lacked in detail on how my contributions were innovative and specific contribution was not proven.


The one with :star: are the ones with good comments on feedback

The one with :-1:is the one that didn’t satisfy as evidence, and :point_left: is the one that feels like it can be elaborated better next time I apply .


  • CEO of the most recent company I’ve worked for
  • Former leadership who I’ve worked with :star:
  • Former leadership who I’ve collaborated with in a project


  • Additional endorsement letter from a former head of technology department
  • Speak Event with 500+ live viewers worldwide :star:
  • Adobe_Education_Exchange judge :star:
  • Online interview article with a CEO of my former company regarding design ethics :star:
  • Adobe XD career forum speaker on YouTube - 811 viewers

OC1 :-1:

  • Proof of contract :-1:
  • Project highlight / UIUX on an event
  • Project highlight / UIUX on a BNPL launch :point_left:
  • Project highlight / UIUX on a beauty product experience
  • Project highlight / UIUX on an education-related portal experience
  • Project highlight / UIUX on a start-up pet care product


  • Additional endorsement letter from a director-level talent/ client side :star:
  • Additional endorsement letter from a director-level talent/ client side :star:


  1. For BNPL launch project highlight, I can ask their CEO to write the endorsement letter to prove my specific contribution
  2. Cut down proof of contract and project highlights that cannot provide any better evidence ie. Pet care product projects, education-related portal experience
  3. Add 1-2 project highlights that were highlighted in creative-industry articles and award list.

@Francisca_Chiedu @Chaitanya_Bapat @alexnk @pahuja, I would appreciate your thoughts! x

Hi @coffeexpac Firstly, thanks for sharing the details in such a structured manner - you already have a fair understanding of what was lacking to prove OC1 and some good ideas there to strengthen your application.

  • The CEO letter for the BNPL project will add as strengthener.
  • Do you have/did you use before & after snapshots and any metrics like increase in daily user visits, clicks, CTR, time spent on the website, etc after UI/UX enhancements? If the letter can include a bit of these quantifiable impact that came from your innovative execution of the UI/UX, it will help in validating the significance of your contribution.
  • The creative industry articles & award list: for the projects that these mention, do they highlight under innovation category? Do they mention your name? If not, you may still need atleast one more support letter to validate your own contribution to the innovative contribution here.
  • Another third-party source could be if these companies made any social comment or published the launch of a new UI/UX through their social media channels or Blog or Linkedin or perhaps even on Playstore (sometimes there are customer reviews & feedback on playstore that have feedback about new enhancements).
  • Since you are a UI/UX developer, they are not looking for innovation in tech but innovation in system/product design, how you created that, how it worked before and after and why was it unique.
    You can strengthen this by giving some user metrics (mentioned above) along with snapshots of A/B testing done before final launch. Here again, before and after metrics because of change in design are important. Essentially you need to prove “the design” value here.
  • Any other outside projects & contributions to the designer community that influenced a design innovation?

Hello @coffeexpac, sorry about the decision. I strongly believe that the assessor’s review + Priyanka’s comprehensive feedback will surely enable you to secure an endorsement in your appeal (or next attempt).

If it is just OC1, I think you should appeal and provide more context on the evidence in your appeal. You are not introducing new evidence but letting the assessor understand the value of the evidence and your contribution. You can also explain that you provided evidence based on what was suggested in the guide or immigration rule, that’s if this is the case. I don’t understand the list of evidence, how many evidence did you provide for OC1 and how do they confirm innovation?

(3rd July) Update:

I got my endorsement minutes ago. 13 days after application submission (Jun 20).

I will not be posting about edits numbers or pattern as I believe there is no science (at least known to us) about how this ties to being endorsed or not. Will encourage people to stop worrying about the patterns and people should stop posting about it as it makes future applicants really anxious as it is already a very anxious process already.

Good luck to everyone!


Hey all, just got my endorsement as well. Submitted on 23rd June. Got 3 edits, the last one on the 1st of July. This is for EP, applied from the UK and non-accelerator.


Congratulations @Harleen_Singh @Olawale_Ibrahim :champagne:


Seems like a lot of applications are being processed today. I got mine too.

I applied for EP category, but thankfully I got endorsed for ET category as a Machine Learning Expert. I applied on 17th June, and had only one edit on 1st July, and got my endorsement today. Absolutely thrilled!


That’s awesome! @afnankhan. All the best in the next stage. And congratulations. :clap:t5: