Stage 1 waiting times?

It’s perfectly normal. I received my endorsement after 5 edits.


Applied: 1st of May
First Edit: 2nd of May
Second Edit: 3rd of May
Endorsed: 4th of May


Fast track with an accelerator.

Applied: May 8
First Edit: May 9
Endorsed: May 10


Hey congratulations! Which accelerator are you a part of?

Hey, thanks! It’s Antler, starting in September.

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congratulations! I applied a day after you (also fast-track), but still waiting :confused:

Did you get any update after that?

2nd Edit on 29 April.

Nothing else since. I’ve reached out to Tech Nation, and they simply say to be patient.

how did you reach out to UK home office?

Did anyone get a decision in the last few days?

When you applied, you would have gotten an email from home office with global talent endorsements subject.
Just reply in the same email with the subject including your application number

Thank you.
I applied on 6th May. First edit, 8th May at noon. But no update from then


have you gotten a reply?

Not yet, just one edit 1 hour after submission

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Fingers crossed yeah :crossed_fingers:

Hey, I’m delighted to say that I just received my endorsement today! the forum was really helpful to structure my evidences. So if anyone looks out for advise I’ll be happy to assist :v:

Background: Product Manager - Exceptional Promise route

Applied: 12 May Sunday 7pm (GMT)
1st edit: 13 may 3pm (GMT)
2nd edit: 16 may 8pm (GMT)
3rd edit: 17 may 12 pm (GMT)
Endorsed: 17 may 1pm (GMT)


congratulations! were you fast track?

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no, it was a normal application

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Congratulations :tada:….this is nice :+1:t6:

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Please can you share your documents and how you structured it