Stage 1 waiting times?

thanks Mide, you can find the document structure from the post here

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Thank you so much :blush:


Submitted 10th of May
first edit 13th
Second edit 14th

Nothing since then, should I be worried?

It will come through for us by God’s grace :blush:

Thanks for the encouragement

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Have you gotten a response?

Are you outside the uk?
Did you get a response already?

The wait continues. 3rd edit on 15 May.

Are the edits longer because they reach out to recommenders?

Anyone heard if Tech Nation reached out to recommenders?

Oh okay….lets hope for the best

I don’t think the edit takes time because they are trying to reach out to recommenders

TN do not have time to reach out to recommenders ….they can see their LinkedIn profile and then look at your recommendation letter (the format and the content) then they can decide if you’re good to go or not …

Just received my endorsement for exceptional promise!
Applied - May 9
Edit 1 - 1 hour after submission
Edit 2 - May 19
Edit 3 - May 20
Endorsement - May 21

Best of luck to all of you!


Nice…Congratulations @Katrina_Sukhanova

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Katrina ….congratulations :tada:…. It was worth the wait indeed……Alhamdulilah

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Just got my endorsement for promise today! Edit history:

Application submitted: 28th April

First and Second edit: 29th April
Third edit: 30th April
Fourth edit: 14th May
Fifth edit: 21st May

Endorsement received: 22nd May

Good luck everyone, I know how stressful this process can be


Congratulations Nat ….thanks for sharing this great news with us

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Did you get any edit yet ?

No not yet
Was a public holiday in UK yesterday…hopefully work continues today


No not yet I had another edit on Friday
today makes it the beginning of the fifth week now lol
And I’m supposed to wait for 3week if I’m outside the uk :uk:

It’s 3 weeks fast track and 8 weeks regular timeline for TN to decide, no matter where you applied from! The 3 weeks for outside the UK is for Stage 2 :slight_smile:


That’s weird
I know they said it could take up to 8 weeks
But average number of weeks to get feedback so far has been 3 weeks…

Have you tried sending home office an email?

This is week 3 for me…if I dont hear from them by the end of this week
I will send an email next week

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