Stage 1 waiting times?

Hi everyone, just wondering has anyone applied between Dec - Jan? Do you have any new update recently?

I submitted my application on January 4.
Two edits on January 11 and 12
Got the endorsement on January 13
I hope you all hear good news soon


Congratulations!, thanks for you info

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  1. Submitted on 9th Jan 1:00 am GMT
  2. First (& only) edit on 11th Jan 9:16 am GMT
  3. Got endorsed on 12th Jan 11:20am GMT

It was under Fast Track route!

Wish you the best!


Hi that’s sounds amazing! You don’t have to live in anxiety and uneasiness like me Lol

Thanks for you info :slight_smile:

Well I had my fair share of it while preparing for my application. But I really hope for you to get a positive response very soon!

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Hi all,

I applied for Promise (business applicant) 9 Jan

*I might have had an edit 9 - 11 Jan but I maybe missed the edit
edit 12 Jan
edit 15 Jan

… now waiting …

UPDATE : not accepted :frowning:
Only 1 OC was accepted, the other 2x MC was a NO and the other EC was a NO. I spoke on 4x global panels last year and it seems not good enough.

I had to do Stage 1 & 2 at the same time (as I am already in UK and was switching to new visa and thus extended my current leave while I wait for an answer).

Should I expect an email from the Home Office for endorsement decision (not Tech Nation itself?)
Apparently if I an refused, I will have to leave UK and apply for appeal from the outside, but I will check with a lawyer on that because the HO call agents did not know exactly.

UPDATE: in my personal inbox (I have been busy at work so I missed this)

Unfortunately, you may need to leave the UK and re-enter when your appeal this successful. You should contact a an immigration lawyer

Hey, thanks @Francisca_Chiedu - yes the lawyer said to leave in 8 days time. And try apply as skilled worker.
Home Office on the phone said the same and I should only withdraw the stage 2 the day I leave.

I will not try for appeal, the feedback was incredibly harsh I don’t see it being fruitful.

I tired to show the arc/story of my growth but the assessor only focused on my tasks I was doing 2 years ago - not what I do NOW to make me qualified. I feel like they skim read it, so I realise putting in less is sometimes better.

They did not find any of my speaking ops at 4x conferences to be prestigious enough, despite one being 25 years running. They appreciate I am “evangelistic” about web3, but it did not meet the criteria.

They did not find the web3 & blockchain tech to be that innovative/ novel that I refer to in my examples. Might be my choice of examples or the way I expressed.

They did not find my work to show enough leadership - despite leading teams and campaigns and working with the devs to scope and problem solve. They said “you are just doing your job as a Project Manager /Product Owner”.

My salary level is not high enough it seems, so maybe I should not have included that.

I put my high distinction for my Thesis (on my CV not as an OC) - they said my MSc Legal Technology in the UK is irrelevant. I mentioned in my PS that I want to carry out more research and build on this to make a prototype, but that seems of no interest.

An immigration lawyer did review my application in the end. They thought it was a strong application, and they specialise in GTV. But the decision is made, and I have to leave my home of 3 years and possibly loose my job in the UK. Hopeful my company can get on the sponsor list soon.

I appreciate all the help people gave on this forum, and best of luck to all of those who are in the process.

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Got endorsement - exceptional talent route

’m describing my case. Thanks to the forum for the information, regular reading of it helped me.

Key features of the case:
———-OC1+OC3 was supplied———-

  1. Defended OC1 (innovation) as a non-technical specialist without patents. It’s difficult, but possible. I put together a defense strategy bit by bit + a video on YouTube helped. If anyone needs help with this, write me.
  2. Although I applied as a general manager, 3 years ago I was a lead programmer, which is confirmed by my CV.
  3. Deputy directors and director in 2 product startups, I have been working since the very beginning.
    pp. 2 and 3 made the case difficult to understand, so it was passed only on appeal.
    Since OC1 was counted initially and also did not fail on appeal, I consider this not an accident.

Case structure:
MC1 - an interview with a description of the product (they found fault that the interview was about development, and not about me personally. On appeal, I said that the topic of the interview was chosen by the editor and the guide does not say anything about the topic of the interview)
MC2 - 2 awards for my company in the Russian Federation - “industry leader”. My personal significant influence on the award was confirmed by 1 referee and CEO. The CEO’s full name was also shown on the extract from the legal register. persons (checkable).
MC3 - participation in a closed high-level event in Paris (26 startups in personal meetings with 25 C-level French corporations). I proved it without a photo from the stage (attached an invitation to the event, a letter from the organizer), because there was no stage. The event took place at the Palace of Versailles. The event was of a rare format; additional explanations had to be made during the appeal process.
MC4 - external proof of my leadership in 2 startups (extracts from the register, participation in innovative institute Skolkovo, etc.).

OC1_1 - product 1: article, detailed description of novelty, financial. results. Details in PM.
OC1_2 - product 2: article, detailed description of novelty, financial. results. Details in PM.
OC1_3 - product 3: article, detailed description of novelty, financial. results. Details in PM.

OC3_1 - in company No. 1 I create concepts for all the company’s products, a description of the process. I prove it with diagrams, diagrams, participation in conferences + recommendation from a client of the company 1.
OC3_2 - in company No. 2, screenshots of correspondence with topics highlighted “check this, give a conclusion on that etc.”, a detailed description of what I am doing + a recommendation from a client of company 2.
OC3_3 - in company No. 1 I show how I pay people’s salaries, win grants for company, participate in the creation of the design of a key product, show the “Russian patent” with my authorship (it doesn’t included in Google so I couldn’t use it in OC1).


Don’t jump to conclusions. I applied twice and only received approval on the 2nd appeal. The first time they rejected it completely, the second time they approved only 1 additional criterion. Although I was overwhelmed with emotions, I wrote the appeal in fairly restrained language. I was given approval. if you want, write to me in telegram - @igortsk. If you send me the details, perhaps I can give 1 more opinion or help you draw up an appeal (for free).


That’s great! Did you submit as fast-track? Also, was it for talent or promise

No That was the normal route and for promise.

Wow, I remember you were rejected the first time. Congrats on your endorsement!

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The appeal worked for me too. Just map your evidences with technation guidelines in the appeal. I was rejected on all 3 criteria btw.

Submitted 7 Jan '24, got endorsement on 22 Jan '24. This was for a normal application (not the fast-tracked option).


:100: correct. I was rejected, I appealed and got endorsed.

Please, leverage on the feedback when doing your appeal. I just answered their questions with reasons. That’s how my 2 rejected criterias got endorsed.

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Jessica, based on your profile, you should also consider applying for endorsement through the British Council under the visual arts category. Work in the UK as a leader in arts and culture (Global Talent visa) : Combined arts, dance, literature, music, theatre or visual arts - GOV.UK

I was Endorsed for my application (Promise) not fast track. All times are EST.

Submitted: 11 Jan 2024 at 1: 44 pm
Edit 1: 18 Jan 2024 at 7:10 am
Edit 2: 20 Jan 2024 at 10:44 am
Edit 3: 1 Feb 2024 at 7:46 am
Edit 4: 2 Feb 2024 at 10:21 am
Endorsed: 5 Feb 2024 at 4:56 am


Congratulations. Did you apply under business or technical?