Stage 1 waiting times?

I got my endorsement for promise today

Applied 25th October

3 Edits
26 Oct 2023
28 Oct 2023
31 Oct 2023

This forum was really helpful, I promised that if I got the endorsement, I will dedicate time every week to help out others on the forum.


Great! @zad
Would be nice if you can to share a summary of what your application looked like and your appeal. This will give lots of people insight.

Congratulations :tada:

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I submitted my application as Exceptional Talent on the 27th of September. I received my rejection today, the 7th of November. They mentioned that OC1 was accepted but OC4 was rejected and didn’t meet. I want to appeal this and ask for a revision. I would really appreciate your help in deciding the best strategy to defend my case.
particularly, I didn’t see in the guidance that I could not get a reference from the main referee for this criterion. I have attached the mentioned proforma part below:

You need to point out that there’s no reference in the guide suggesting that you must be the lead researcher. You need to demonstrate that you made significant contributions to the papers. How many evidence did you submit for OC4

Many thanks for your reply and suggestion. I did submit two documents, the First one from my current research manager at the University and the second one from my former research director (He was one of my main referees too). in the second document, my former director clearly mentioned that I was the lead researcher for other publications. Can I still refer to this? or they will not accept it?

You can point it to them that the letter confirmed you as the lead researcher.

Does anyone applied recently?
Applied on 31 Oct
Only one edit on 2 Nov so far

Any update on your application?

Today 6am had a new edit😅 don’t know how would it even happen

How many edits so far?

How about your timeline?

Anyone got edit or decision this week? Feel like they always give decision on Tuesday

@Tiah1Z Nope. Seems like a lull here.
Applied for ET on 26 Oct 2023 14:29 (BST)
Edit 1: 29 Oct 2023 09:58 (GMT) - Sunday
Edit 2: 31 Oct 2023 16:17 (GMT)

And then it stopped. Wonder what went wrong. This is such a painful wait.

What’s your path? Sometimes I feel it’s dependent on the role as well.

I don’t thing anything went wrong. The process takes time. My timeline was very similar. 2 edits in the first few days. And nearly 2 weeks after the second edit I got endorsement. Hope you get a positive response.

Hi everyone, just wanted to ask as the waiting is killing me
Today makes it the 7th week since my submitted application. I’m really dreading the outcome.
I didn’t realise until last week that I submitted a letter of recommendation twice (hence, I have just 2 letters).
Makes me feel like I have no chance at all really. I’m also not sure if this delay means a negative outcome or that my application was not even considered to start with.
Any advice on this please?
Also, no edit except the one done on the day I submitted

I waited 8 weeks.

I don’t know about submitting a letter twice though. Perhaps someone else will be more knowledgeable but I waited 8 weeks before I heard back.

Good luck!

Thanks for your response @C91
Was your response positive?

Yes my response was positive.



Good for you, congratulations!