Stage 1 waiting times?

I applied on the 2nd of October, and between then and now I have gotten 6 edits. 2 edits on the 9th and 2 edits today, before 10 AM. I am getting anxious but I guess that’s normal.

@Francisca_Chiedu or any one please let me know if you know, is this delay is normal? as this is mid of 7th week for me

Well, you can email the home office by next week.

thanks @Francisca_Chiedu

Had my decision come through today and it was a rejection. Pretty sad about it right now, considering they didn’t approve me for any of the criteria. I will be appealing because I don’t think my evidence was properly judged, but I’m not seeing the link for the appeal form. My email said “Your decision letter has been sent separately from our central mailbox” – but I haven’t received anything (I checked junk folder).

Is this the most up to date appeal form?

Congratulations @Anozie_Fortunate

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That’s strange. You are supposed to have it sent to your email.

Check very well and contact them if you don’t see it after searching very well.

Can anyone tell me the email address from which we should expect the endorsement email ? I’m worried I will miss the decision !

Yes. This is the endorsement review form

Hey all!

Applied for Promise on 3/10

Edit 1: 3/10
Edit 2: 16/10
Edit 3: 17/10

Endorsed for Talent: 17/10

Good luck!


I got a rejection, but the decision maker mentioned the main idea of the rejection: “You are not from a product-oriented company, but doing outsource” :slight_smile: .
My company is 100% product-led. Has anyone come across the same reason? I’m hoping for a proper review, and I’ve already filed for an appeal…
But I still want to understand how to properly prove that a company is product-led company? (I need this because if the appeal is rejected, I will apply one more time)

What I did in my previous application:

  1. briefly described our products on 1 page (since there are about 10 of them)
  2. all the recommenders confirmed the availability of the products, two wrote briefly that they liked the deep analytics in them, that it was innovative, and the third even said that he created one of the products with me.
  3. The resume contains links to our mob. Application in Google and Apple, as well as screenshots where you can see how our client advertises our application.

I need an opinion on what else I can do and how to generally prove the company’s product -led’s direction of the company?

Perhaps I had this problem because:

  1. I really have a lot of products (ecosystem)
  2. our clients are retail companies (medium and small). We help them compete with large retail companies. We create various IT products for retail, and they can buy them by subscription.

I will be grateful for your opinions.

I had the exact same feedback (company didn’t fall under their definition of a product-led digital company), I wonder if we had the same reviewer. I’ve appealed, as well—good luck @igortsk !

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Yes. That’s strange coincidence… good luck too😉

Hey all!

Applied for Promise (outside UK) on 16/10

1 Edit on 17/10
2 Edits on 20/10

Got Endorsement Email on 20/10

Good luck!


please tell me, do you work in a b2b product-led company? I’m just trying to get to the bottom of things. Because i work in b2b and i thing maybe that’s the reason they didn’t understand from the first view

I’ll be honest to say this was the feedback on my first application. Especially since it was B2B, offering solutions that enable businesses. I applied for promise last year and got rejected, but after a careful review of my application, I applied for talent this year and got it.

Tech nation assessors are looking out for innovation, and something that is novel in your space. One or more of your products could be novel, or solving a niche problem. It is your responsibility to present a compelling argument that would convince the assessors. Else, your product will not be anything special as there are other competitors doing and offering the same thing.

This may be why they replied with " You are not from a product-oriented company, but doing outsourcing".

Be creative in your approach and presentation.

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Thank you! That’s the good point. I put to my application a lot of external proofs of my innovations such as Government support from the innovation fund, participation of the company in prestigious development institutions, but the description of the products was rather superficial. I thought that documents and confirmations from referees would be enough. I’ll see what they answer to the appeal, if they refuse, I’ll submit a new application with strengthened arguments.

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I applied for Exceptional Promise on 17th October and got endorsed today :slight_smile: I had been rejected on October 11th, but I added more evidence for my re-application, and it worked!


Hi people,
I had been visiting this forum alot since i submitted my application.
Applied under global talent visa within UK.
Submitted - 28th september 23
Rejected -6th october 23 on mc, and oc2&3
Review application on 16th october 23
Got endorsement 24th oct 23

I learned alot from the posts, on mistakes i made while submitting the initial application.


Glad you finally nailed it. Congratulations.

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