Stage 1 waiting times?

Don’t worry about the edits. Just hope for an endorsement :pray:t4:

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I just got endorsed!

After only 2 edits.

Applied on Sept 22nd

First edit 23 Sept
Second edit 8 Oct

Endorsed 10th October.

This affirms the fact that edits don’t matter as much. Just apply and hope for the best


Congratulations @Anozie_Fortunate

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@igortsk just out of curiosity, are you applying for engineering or more on the business side (e.g. Product Management)?

Congratulations @Anozie_Fortunate !

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I was endorsed today as well! For Exceptional Talent with a business background (product manager/data analyst) -

Applied: Sept 17 18:50 (BST)
Sept 19: 1 edit 07:55 (BST)
Oct 3: 2 edits 16:58 (BST) / 20:29 (BST)
Oct 7: 1 edit 16:50 (BST)
Oct 10: 1 edit 10:25 (BST)
Endorsed: Oct 10 Email received at 11:30 (BST)


I applied as a start-up co-founder, and part-time business analyst at a digital bank

Congratulations @Anozie_Fortunate

I applied as part-time CEO in tech startup (co-founder), main job - deputy CEO in 2nd tech startup. Lead Programmer in the past

Sounds very promising to me! :crossed_fingers:

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Almost a month has passed since the submission, and I have already begun to doubt, over time :slight_smile:

Anyone received any recent edits? I know there’s no science to the edits but I feel like everything has hit a major halt in the past week – last edit for me was Oct 3rd.

I had an edit on 4th oct at 10:33am BST but nothing since then

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I had 2 edits yesterday 10th oct at 12:05pm and 15:25pm. Await good feedback.

I had an edit on the 10th Oct and this morning the 13th, 8:27AM BST

I have applied on 31st August Morning GMT and still waiting for the decision. :frowning:

For those that have received a response, does something populate in the status field once they send their decision to the Home Office? I have this fear that I’m missing an email in my inbox, even though I check every folder (junk included) about 500 times a day :sweat_smile:

email the home office, they will confirm if a ecision has been made.

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Hello @Francisca_Chiedu can you please share the email.

check the home office website.