Stage 1 waiting times?

This is interesting. I submitted my application on the 22nd of September. Only one edit on 23rd. None since then.

Super interesting! Are you applying for promise or talent?

I applied for promise as well. Probably my accessor decided to take his/her time … I’m not in a hurry anyway.

Hello labrams10,

Submitted my application Sep 23
26 Sep: 1st edit the only edit thus far.

Applied for Exceptional talent.

Waiting for a positive result.

I have the same story.

Applied for promise on 22nd

23 Sep - 1 Edit

28 Sep - 2 Edit

3 Oct - 1 Edit

5 Oct - 1 Edit

Applied for promise on 10th:

Edit 1: 13 Sept 2023 18:35

Edit 2: 14 Sept 2023 21:44

Edit 3: 15 Sep 2023 16:58

Edit 4: 18th Sept 2023 19:30

Edit 5: 19 Sep 2023 15:17 (My previous application was last edited around 15:16)

Edit 6: 3 Oct 2023 14:19

Good luck to everyone waiting !

Sharing my experience -

I applied for talent visa recently, submitted on 17th Aug, (Thursday evening) and received endorsement on 21st Aug (Monday).

Fairly quick turnaround - little over 1 working day.

Stage 2 was also fairly quick - received email approval in one week after biometrics.

I applied from within UK.

All the best!!

Hello Pragati,

How many edits did you get for your application?

I applied 15th September
Edits: 20 Sep 2023 20:22 (CEST); 2 Oct 2023 09:25 (CEST)

Not sure, I did not know I could check for edits :blush: . I just submitted and waited for the email.

I am assuming you are still getting edits and no decision yet?

Did u get the answer or still waiting?

Yes , I am still waiting

I am still waiting @igortsk

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Regardless of the decision, I just hope I get a clear decision. Either rejections in all categories or approval in all categories.

It will be really stressful if I get 2/4 or 3/4 approval. It will make me wonder if I should apply again from the start or what should I do :confused:

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Did anyone receive edits yesterday or today? It’s been more than 3 weeks for me and only 2 edits so far. It’s moving slowly somehow :slight_smile: It’s strange why some people are considered in a couple of days, while others are delayed…

Haha I was just going to post in here asking the same question! I haven’t had any more edits after the last two on Oct 3–was really expecting to hear something this week but I guess the waiting continues :disappointed:

me too…i was expecting too…^)

Received a rejection today. I was rejected in all categories, so I am not going to bother with the appeal.

I tried my best, but the case is closed now.

Just for reference

Application date: 22 Sep

Rejection date: 06 Oct.


This week it will be a month since I submitted the application and only 2 edits. Are there others like me here?