Stage 1 waiting times?

It is is vry clear in the guide that internal company award do not meet this criterion. Based on the feedback most of your feedback were self authored and from external link, i think your application was not properly put together and you didn’t follow the tech nation guide.

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I think Francisca has put it rightly. Internal awards do not suffice.

I know many applicants tend to attach importance to a lot of achievements, but the big question is ‘do your evidences clearly align with what the tech nation guide stipulates?’ Was the award the only evidence for MC? Maybe a few insights into what evidences you used for your application will help provide some support.

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Lately I see many people getting answers to Stage 1 application in 1-2 weeks. I am wondering if there is a general speeding up on Tech Nation 's side.

Anyways, I am currently waiting for a reply for my Stage 1 application. I am a bit nervous about it :slightly_smiling_face:

I applied on August 26.
I got 2 edits on August 29.

Lets see what happens next…

Looks like a dead end unfortunately. Probably better to not waste their time with a review.

Internal company awards are meaningless especially in a small non fortune 500 company without international pull.

Sharing my journey:

Submission: Aug 11
Edits: Aug 13, 14 ,15
Reject: Aug 16
Appeal: Sep 3
Edits: Sep 4, 5
Endorsed: Sep 6

It seems like process is faster than ever, wish best of luck to all applicants.


Congratulations! All the best with stage 2

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May I ask what are these edit 1, edit 2?

Do they ask you to edit your application or you updated it while waiting for them?

Tech Nation seems to be running for some missing flight.

Kindly suggest some good lawyer to appeal.

Edit means somebody is checking your application. As far as I know it’s not possible to edit your application once you submit it, even when you are appealing you could just refer to current evidences.

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Here is my timeline:

26 August: I submitted my application
29 August: 2 edits
12 September: 2 edits
13 September: Endorsement

Good luck everyone!


heartiest congratulations to you… just a quick question, the people apply from outside UK for them waiting time is 8 weeks or 3 weeks?

hello @Francisca_Chiedu Thanks for helping us. May i know if we submit application through an agency, in that case do we see edits?

Wait time is eight weeks

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no. you can only see it if you applied uploaded your document on tech nation application form yourself.


Has anyone applied recently? What’s the timeline looking like? I applied last week Friday. Got my first edit on Saturday. (next day)

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Where do you see the “edit”?

Is it on TechNation → Application → Activity page?

Yes. Go to your application > click preview> you’d see “last edited (date/time)”

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I see an edit with timestamp of 5 am. It’s so weird who is reviewing our applications at 5 in the morning haha

Hey everyone - finally approved to be a member in the forum. Here’s my timeline so far (applied for Exceptional Promise):

23 Sep: Application Submitted
26 Sep: 1st edit
30 Sep: 2 edits
3 Oct: 1 edit

Expecting a decision either tomorrow or sometime soon this week…I’m about 50/50 on which way it will go for me, but hoping for positive! Will post here with the result once I have it :slight_smile:

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