Stage 1 waiting times?

Congratulations on your endorsement

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Speaking about edits?

I applied recently and yet to get any feedback?

I see Last edited as a different date from submitted… Does this mean anything or am I required to wait for a mail.


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Hey mates,
Did someone get any edits recently?

I applied outside of the UK on July 21 and saw 2 edits (checking them 1-2 times per week), and nothing else since then:

  • July 28 - 1st
  • July 31 - 2nd


  • August 13 - 3rd (sunday edit)

Not sure it’s OK to have edits late or on weekends. Has anyone been endorsed after such edits?

I applied on 10th of August and got my first edit the very next day.

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Are you applying from inside or outside uk.

I have applied from inside the UK

Just got my 4th edit today - 14 Aug

I applied on 12th of August. Fingers Crossed :crossed_fingers:

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Did you reapplied or applead

It’s a re-application because they recognized the previous one as templating… And I decided not to try appealing.
It seems to me like a bad sign to have edits on weekends or late evenings. Hope I’m wrong) Anyway, I already have at least 4 edits and no endorsement letter yet)

You will get an endorsement …no worries


Have you gotten any update on yours?

Looking to apply for endorsement review/appeal:
I looked at the pdf version of the endorsement review/appeal form. I see the text boxes are small. When I try to convert this into word doc, I’m able to expand the box a bit more. Can anyone confirm and advise if this is safe to do? or someone has done that and successfully got rejection overturned. There is just too less space to the respond to their rejection comments. Any help/advice would be great! Thanks

Approved (Stage 1) in 2 working days :tada:

I cannot believe it. I will be writing a detailed post soon :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone on this forum!


That’s simply amazing :star_struck:. I even thought you had been endorsed already cos of your good work here. Congratulations.
Did you apply from outside UK?

Congratulations @moorjaniajay, I am happy for you

Just a short update:
Got rejected today, the edit date is still 14 Aug. Meet 0/3 criteria, and going to appeal in a week or two. The reasons for rejection look like they didn’t catch all the info right (about patents, salary, positions of endorsers), despite that being communicated clearly in documents.

I applied on the 29th of July and my last edit was on the 14th of Aug.
Is there a way to see the history of previous edits?

Nope. You have to check every day and keep track of the edits. Wishing you a favorable outcome.


I got a refusal mail yesterday.
None of the criteria was met, I am thinking of appealing because optional criteria were wrongly judged but I need advice regarding the mandatory evidence.
Although my awards (Especially the CEO Award) were a big deal to me with a lot of comments on LinkedIn about how the application I built that led to winning this award has helped them. My awards were not accepted because they are not national or international awards. The award is simply Employee of the Year from an international organization with over 7000 employees and the publication for the award stated that the award was due to the application I developed.
@Francisca_Chiedu @moorjaniajay @Gbemiga_Adelola Do you think I could have any point to counter the MC1 feedback? or it looks like a dead-end?

Below is the full comment on MC1
"Google Drive links leading to evidence external to the submitted application was not considered applicable.
For MC1, while admired and deeply respected, the Excellence of Service and CEO Award from *** represents internal company recognition vs. national or international recognition as an emerging talent in tech. The Knowledge and Skills Forum evidence consists of self-authored assertions with a spreadsheet and WhatsApp screenshot, none of which demonstrate how the applicant achieved national or international recognition as an emerging talent in digital tech in the past 5 years. None of the applicant’s letters nor their self-published medium blog demonstrates how they achieved national or international recognition as an emerging talent in digital tech in the past 5 years. Compensation alone is not sufficient to meet this criteria. MC1 is not met."