Stage 1 waiting times?

4th Edit 5th April
5th Edit 11th April

4th edit - April 11th

What happened to the days where people used to get endorsed after 3 edits :disappointed::pleading_face:

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Well nobody knows if edits are something to really read meaning to…also got an edit today…I think 4th edit

Everybody is getting edits and I haven’t seen any edit since I submitted 3 weeks ago. I can’t even figure whether my application is being checked or not.

I think you should not worry yourself too much. What matters is getting endorsed.
Too much edits again can make someone get worried :sweat_smile:


Just got my first edit 1hr+ ago


6th edit 12th April …:weary:

You should get feedback this afternoon in GMT

Are you the one, assessing his application?


lol ok just got 7th edit

I submitted my application (Promise) on March 15th. I missed my edits in the first two weeks after my submission, so I’ve listed my tracked edits below.

1st Edit: April 1st
2nd Edit: April 11th
3rd & 4th Edit: April 12th

My updates are similar to yours, hope us luck!

What is this edit thing everyone is talking about? Where can i see it?

It is somewhere in your tech nation assessment form that shows when you application was last edited after you uploaded your documents. Most people believe it means assessors are considering your application. Some people are suggesting that several edits means the application may be unsuccessful, others said they got endorsed after 3 edits. Anyway, it is just speculations, bet to put in a strong application and hope for a positive outcome.


Hello Guys,

I hope everyone doing well and thank you for sharing your updates about your application.

If you guys ok, please add your timeline to this excel sheet as well. This will give better understanding for future applicants that how the past application timeline went through and they can get some idea on when they can get decision as per the trend.

We have those information but in posts so someone wants details of application of 2021, will have to scroll through messages instead if you get all information in excel sheet, wouldn’t that be easy.

If you guys don’t like this idea, please let me know, I will scrap this.


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I really appreciate this thought process, it makes it much easier for applicants in the future to see historical timelines at a glance. Kudos

How does this help? Officially it is stated that applications take 8 weeks.


Perhaps we can run a Random Forest Model to predict the endorsement dates :joy:

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Any late March submissions with edits?

I submitted my application on the 1st of March. Still not heard back as of April 12 :/.

I cannot track edits because I applied through a law firm so I dont have full visbility on those.

after someone got a rejection, does the person still have edits? I saw 2 edits few days after the rejection email and I havent applied for a review