Stage 1 waiting times?

mine is Talent and within the UK

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Great. Mine is Promise outside the UK

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Mine talent within d uk. 4th edit. Submitted 10th


Got email yesterday. It’s a NO for me.

ops, so sorry to hear that. when did you submit?

28th Feb. For Talent.

Finally got a decision. It was a rejection :cry:

sorry to hear that. you can try to appeal the decision

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So sorry. Check the feedback and se if you have a case for a review.

Anyone who submitted March 22nd and without edit yet? I haven’t seen any edit in my application since I submitted. None of my recommenders has received email or phone call from assessors

The candidate has applied for an exceptional promise visa and they have chosen Optional Criteria 2
(OC2) and 3 (OC3). The candidate is a software engineer with experience in the EdTech sector. The candidate has presented reference letters describing them as competent developer. However, the evidence presented is not enough to support the mandatory criteria. Leading school-level branches of different associations at their university is also not evidence enough to award MC. :x:

For OC2, the candidate has been involved in a multitude of mentoring and volunteering activities, some
since their university years. This is a noble endeavour but, in order to qualify for OC2, this has to be part
of an organised program. Additionally, the GDG event doesn’t qualify as a sector-leading event as the
guidelines require. OC2 is not awarded :x:

OCR 3: :white_check_mark:

What evidence did you submit for the Mandatory and optional Criteria 2?

The GDG is a sector leading event. It’s definitely how you explained it to them… All my criteria were rejected when I applied before but after review OC 2 and 3 passed. I’m not sure about your MC since they said it’s not enough

i’ve also gotten a response and it was a rejection. I really dont understand how they did the assessment

Can you create a new post so you will be able to track your feedback

I’ve done that now… thank you

Any idea, what are the chances of getting a positive outcome from a review application? Anyone here has got approval with the review application?

Applied on Feb 23. Last edit on March 27. (did not track how many I got before).
Talent visa from within the UK.
I felt I have a strong case, worked really hard on building it piece by piece, yet feeling so anxious that it’s been 6 weeks with no answer.
Heard from others that time is not linked to outcome.
Praying that I hear back soon!


What is this week looking like?
I have been following this thread for about 3 weeks.
I submitted March 10th and today makes it 4 weeks.
I have gotten 3 edits. Waiting for some verdict.
Anyone else gotten a feedback?


Hello @rikoz,

I submitted on 12th March, I could see 2 edits and I am waiting for an endorsement by God’s grace. Let’s be optimistic :pray: :rofl: