Stage 1 waiting times?

@James_Shannonyes there have been cases like that, no edits…example Finally, it is the day. [Endorsed]

There is one more like this

Submitted 1st of March
1st Edit: 6th March
2nd Edit 19th March
Last edited: 29 Mar 2023 07:12 (WAT)

:pray: :pray:


You will definitely receive email today or tomorrow

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i got my 3rd edit too now. hoping we will get our endorsement email today :pray:

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Applied for Talent.

So they finally got back to me today with a rejection.

I believe i have to create a post so i can get the house to assist me on how to go about appealing or submitting a new application.

so sorry to hear that

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Submitted 12th of March
1st Edit: 20th March
2nd&3rd Edits 24th March

No more updates :confounded:

Sorry about that. Your plan is OK. Please, feel free to create the post. I am sure that the house will be more than happy to assist.

Hi folks !

Any update from anyone so far ? As for me no update after my last Edit 23 March.

Same here @Ifexalex. No update after my last edit on 23rd March too. Let’s hope to get a positive update soonest :pray: :blush:

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none too since the 26th…hoping for the best :pray:


woohoo!! got the email this morning saying I am endorsed for Exceptional Promise. What an anticlimactic email haha

I have been asking a few times about edits in this forum. I ended up emailing tech nation on March 28th to ask about status. They got back the next day saying that my application was being processed. Soon after I saw my first edit. (hadn’t seen one edit since I applied on the 16th of Feb). March 29th a second edit and then got the endorsement email today.

Now sights are set on stage 2, from what I can tell that’s almost a 100% acceptance rate but feels weird celebrating without the actual visa.

For those who are curious here is my application


Congratulations :tada: @James_Shannon

I submitted my application on 19 March and received my endorsement on 30 March
Exceptional Talent - Outside of the UK
I noticed an edit on 24 March but didn’t check regularly so don’t know how many edits.


I don’t know what happened to my application…took 6 weeks in the end.

  • submitted to Tech Nation: 7th of Feb (qualified for fast track)
  • 1 Edit: 10th of Feb
  • Didn’t hear back after the 3 weeks
  • Email to HomeOffice: 1st of March -> told me I need to wait the full 8 weeks
  • checked in with my accelerator program 15th of March -> told me it should be only 3 weeks
  • Email to Tech Nation: 17th of March -> asking for clarification -> no response
  • Endorsement: 20th of March

Hello everyone, has anyone gotten any endorsement since last week?

Submitted on the 21st March 2023, got first edit this morning.
Fingers crossed!

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Submitted - 7th March,
1st edit - 13th March
2nd and 3rd edit - 16th March (17:33 and 17:37 GMT)
4th edit - 29th March
5th edit - 3rd April

I submitted 7th March
1st Edit - 14 March
2nd Edit - 27 March
3rd Edit - 29 March
4th Edit - 3rd April