Stage 1 waiting times?


seems the respond faster to promise

OMG! Got endorsed!!! So happy :laughing:
After 6 edits!


wooooooowww… at last. i’m so happy for you


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I have been following this thread for a while now. I needed to create an account so as to congratulate you. I am so happy for you :hugs:


My timeline (Promise):

Submitted: 7 Mar 2023 01:54 (WAT)

1st Edit: 13 Mar 2023 12:16 (WAT)
2nd Edit: 23 Mar 2023 14:59 (WAT)
3rd Edit: 23 Mar 2023 15:23 (WAT)

Still waiting

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Congratulation @Ido_Moshe :raised_hands:

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Congratulations! @Ido_Moshe So happy for you.

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Congratulations to you. I’ve been following this thread but first time commenting

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So happy for you @Ido_Moshe. Finally :laughing: I can imagine the anxiety, must be killing :sweat_smile:

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Thank you everyone :heart:
I’ll post later today my full application details in a separate post
Good luck to those who are still waiting!
Stay strong :muscle:


Hi everyone,

I am sending this hoping to encourage someone today. I applied from outside the UK and got endorsed for exceptional promise yesterday after submitting my application to tech nation since February 22nd, so I understand the anxiety that comes with waiting and regularly checking the ‘edits’. Tbh, I don’t think the edit really matters as my pattern was totally different from the norm and I still got endorsed!

Here is my timeline:

Submitted to tech nation: Feb 22nd
1st Edit: Feb 25th
2nd Edit: March 3rd
3rd Edit: March 13th
4th edit: March 26th
5th Edit: March 27th
Email: March 27th

Just try your best to put in a good application, pray and be patient for 8 weeks and you’ll hear back. Hopefully, it’ll be a favorable response. I’m grateful for all the information that’s shared here and I wish you all the very best. Cheers.


Congratulations @Ido_Moshe. Is it Talent or promise? You’re the first person here who got endorsed after 6 edits. You have proven that high number of edits are not the reason for rejection. Congratulations

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Confrats @Ido_Moshe :rocket:

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Congratulations @Ido_Moshe

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Congrats @Ido_Moshe!!!

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Does anyone have any examples of not receiving any edits and still being endorsed. I have received no edits since applying on February 16th. This feels highly irregular based on posts in this forum.

There’s an example in this thread of someone not long ago which got endorsed after 8 weeks and no edits. There seem to be no pattern to it.

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I applied for talent

@James_Shannon check the post I’m replying to

Understood, thank you @Ido_Moshe. And congrats again you must be over the moon!