Stage 1 waiting times?

I have looked up your profile, did you apply for talent or promise?

Any update for you today?

No update yet. I’ve left it alone.

Have you heard anything yet ?

When does technation people go on Christmas vacation?

On the 23rd of December

Oh okay, thank you for the info.

I got a 4th edit today at 17:53
5th edit 18:27

I’m still hopeful

Congratulations… Pls share your applications details with us, so new applicants can learn from it.

Thank you

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I got another edit last night. Did you get any recent edits?

I applied on Nov 30th, and here’s my timeline so far:

Submitted: Nov 30th
First Edit: Dec 5th
Second Edit: Dec 16th

Applied on 28 Nov 2022
First edit: Dec 5th
Endorsement: Dec 16

Exceptional Talent.

Wow congratulations…


congrats man! Applied Dec 3, have 1st edit on 12th Dec - waiting for email :slight_smile:

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Congrats! @Chaitanya_Bapat

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Submitted: Nov 13
First Edit: Nov 22
Second Edit: Nov 26
Third Edit: Dec 8

No edits since… Any thoughts on this pattern guys?

It’s good news 30% of the time, so, I’m still hoping for the best. What are your thoughts guys?

I got a rejection today and will be applying for an appeal after reading the reasons for rejection clearly.

My mandatory criteria and OC 2 were rejected

We do not see evidence that the applicant has been recognised as a leading talent in the field of UX design in the world and at the forefront of her field. We are unable to see sustained national and international recognition in the form of reputed awards, no publications in influential design journals and no keynote speeches at conferences where she has shaped thinking in the design field. We note her salary, but a high salary alone isn’t sufficient evidence to meet the criteria for this visa.

Apart from the high salary, I also provided a document showing all the products I lead at my current job, with dashboards showing the impact of the work, my product designs and how it affects the company.

This is in line with the first evidence they have as option on their technation website: * You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.

Regarding OC2, the applicant has provided evidence of mentoring activities at x Fellowship from May 25th 2020 through August 17th 2020. We are unable to see what recognition she has received for this and there are no metrics or results around how this advanced the field, and this short time period does not fit with the Tech Nation guidelines of a “consistent track record of mentoring”. Screenshots of messages exchanged with mentees isn’t compelling evidence to meet this criteria. Similarly, being a guest on the Podcast to speak on the subject of Product Design doesn’t fall into a topic that is outside her main occupation. The panel talk at the Girls in Tech Festival while admirable is also not compelling evidence. We are unable to see the number of attendees, participants or the impact this talk had, or how she was recognised for it, which is the threshold for this criteria.

When they say the topic of the podcast doesn’t fall outside my main occupation, I’m not sure what that means. Am I meant to talk about things I don’t know?

I included news clippings for this as well.

I have provided a letter from the organisers of the mentorship fellowship as well.

Please help @Francisca_Chiedu how do I go about this?

I don’t quite get it as well. I was away from the forum for a bit only to come back and see people’s posts everywhere with edit timelines lool. I don’t think it was a big deal even as recently as a few months ago as I got endorsed this year. Interesting, I wonder what the next big trend would be.

Sorry about the outcome. Did you apply for talent or promise?