Signing Documents

Hi All,
I’m looking for some guidance and help.
Looking to submit for GTV
This is about signing the letters.

  1. Do they need to sign with a physical sign, i.e., wet ink?
    Is it the most full proof method for being authentic?
  2. I saw a thread here that someone uploaded the letter with DocuSign and sent it for signatures. That got them rejected, as it appeared that the letter had been created by the applicant.
  3. If the expert uploads the LOR from their digital signature platform, such as DigiSign or DocuSign, and then signs this via their platform account, Is it okay to demonstrate an audit trail and authenticity?
    I am confused, especially in some letters I received, where the expert simply inserted their digital signature into a Word document and then sent me the PDF copy. Is this acceptable?
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Here are some insights into your question - DocuSign Confusion

Hi @itzzamit

My experience - all letters were signed (hardcopy) by the author and they sent the scanned copy in an email. I converted that to pdf after attaching their CVs

I had all my LoR and reference letters digitally signed with Docusign and didn’t have any issues. My endorsement was successful.

@mclarenf1 - did you upload all the letters on your DocuSign account and then sent this to referees/experts? I did the exact thing, but when I saw a post in which someone got rejected, I have been circumspect.
There is an argument that if you trace the origin of this letter to the applicant, Technation will say that the applicant themselves have drafted the letter and the expert has merely signed this! when did you do this?

@itzzamit Correct - I uploaded all the letters to Docusign and sent them to the referees for signature. I was endorsed in April of 2022.

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