I got my Exceptional promise endorsement - Need help for stage 2


I am currently on Skilled worker visa. I applied for GTV and got endorsed today for Exceptional talent promise. I need help in applying for stage 2.

I want to switch to GTV, however my current skilled worker visa is valid till 2025. I paid the IHS surcharge till 2025. As I still have tenure left. Am I eligible for refund of IHS surcharge? If so, can you please guide me on the process?

Secondly, Do I have to inform my employer before switching or should I apply and then let my employer know. Please suggest!

@Francisca_Chiedu can you please comment on this? Thanks

You can check this topic. Seems like you will be eligible for a refund. Health Surcharge Switch From Skilled Worker Visa

For the second question I don’t think you would have a legal obligation to tell your employer about the visa change but if they paid the healthcare surcharge you might consider telling them at some point.

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Someone else already responded to your question.


Refunds eligible only if you are a healthcare professional. Not sure why!

Spoke to my employer, they are pretty cool about it.

is that what they told ypu? I believe you can get a refund if you switch visa.

Also see thread: IHS refund for after visa switch

Congratulations @Praveenmk07 on the endorsement! I am also on Skilled worker visa and planning to switch to GTV.
Did you apply for stage 1 endorsement on your own or took help from a GTV visa consultant or immigration consultant?

I have found there are consulting firms who help to prepare and apply for GTV stage 1. Just want to understand and need guidance, if I should go through a consultant?

I did it on my own. Got help from this forum though!
I read through all possible posts here and got my questions answered(most of them).

Great, thank you so much @Praveenmk07 for the quick response, appreciate it!