Global Talent Endorsed (Applied within the UK)

Thank to the forum members and those who have shared their success and rejected experiences and feedbacks. I used a lot of knowledge shared on these posts, feedback to learn and craft my own application.

I have been granted exceptional global talent. I applied in the UK and it took exactly two weeks to get endorsed. I’ll share a quicky summary here.

It took 3 edits in the portal before getting a decision next day.

I have about 5 years of experience of working in the UK as a software engineer in modern technologies. I do not have any patents, research publications.

List of summary of documents. Could help someone who would be on a similar boat I was.

For others in the MC, I only submitted

  1. Evidence of News articles of products I have worked.( 4 differnt products)
  2. Proof of high renumeration.

OC1 - Proof of contribution beyond the job

  1. Evidence of teaching online courses.
  2. Evidence of teaching in University.
  3. Proof of talks in Universities, Youtube.
  4. Tech arcticles ( Pretty basic which had couple of citations) - Not research publications.

OC2 - Evidence of Significant Contribution to Product / Commerical Contribution

  1. Evidence of signigicant contribution ( Screenshot of summary commits, PR’s from internal version control system, As most of my work is IP and cannot be public)
  2. Architecure Diagrams and sytem diagrams.
  3. Reference Letter from a Senior Manager.
  4. Employment contract for last 3 jobs in 5 years.

PS :slight_smile:

I have come across some agencies and individuals, including alumni, who offer feedback and support for this application process. While I understand that no one’s time is free and should be valued and compensated appropriately, but the prices they charge are often exorbitant—sometimes costing more than the entire two-stage application process itself.

However, it’s important to remember that each application is unique. I strongly encourage applicants to take the time to work on their own applications, as this personalized effort is crucial to success.


Hi Congratulations, glad for you.

Wasit exceptional promise or exceptional talent visa ?

When did you apply ? And when was your last edit ?

It was excpetional talent.
Last edit was just before I received the letter.
18th August - Submission.
19th August - 1 st Edit.
24th August - 2nd Edit
28th August- 3rd Edit.
30th August - Letter of Endorsement.

1 Like

Congratulations. To you.
Could you please advice, for someone in the UK, what renumeration range would be ideal? Thanks

Congratulations. Could you please also share evidence you used in OC2 (OC3) in a bit detail? E.g the impact you presented? Thanks.