Exceptional talent OC1 relationship requirement

Hi everyone, I’m new to the community. Would highly appreciate help.

In my product management career, I developed several tech products from scratch - B2B SaaS, consumer products and internal business tools as a Product Manager (employee) at early-stage startups.

I had a lot of autonomy as an early employee, but I was not a founder or a senior exec in designation. There are no patents as such but many products had a significant impact on the business and our clients (can be quantified) The IP belongs to the companies I worked with.

Can someone kindly recommend how should I position myself in OC1?

Per TN’s guidance:
“Specific relationship requirements apply in those individual applicants can only take credit for certain achievements if completed whilst fulfilling specific roles. Only founders or senior executives in a product-led digital technology company are eligible. If seeking to meet this criterion as an employee, you will need to show that you are working on a new digital field or concept which is a higher bar. Again, there is no definition of “new digital field/concept ”; however, we can reasonably assume that upcoming Tech areas such as FinTech, EdTech, MedTech should all qualify, although the level of innovation of the product within that sector will also be taken into account.”

Thanks in advance :pray:

How do you mean? You are a product manager and you should apply as such and highlight the products you’ve worked on.

Sure, but you have worked on these products so you are in the right to put them on your application

Thanks @VM23 I understand. I am concerned because of Technation’s guidance:

“Specific relationship requirements apply in those individual applicants can only take credit for certain achievements if completed whilst fulfilling specific roles. Only founders or senior executives in a product-led digital technology company are eligible. If seeking to meet this criterion as an employee, you will need to show that you are working on a new digital field or concept which is a higher bar. Again, there is no definition of “new digital field/concept ”; however, we can reasonably assume that upcoming Tech areas such as FinTech, EdTech, MedTech should all qualify, although the level of innovation of the product within that sector will also be taken into account.”