Comment on my application

Understood! You may want to find alternate ways to show third party proofs and validation. Otherwise all your 3 documents of MC will just look similar with a description of your work + support letter.

Some links, diagrams, PR, external proof will help differentiate and strengthen.

Where the patens in your name?

From what you have shared, you do not have sufficient evidence to meet the mandatory criteria.
Apart from your compensation, what other evidence do you have to show you are well regarded in the digital technology sector? Do you speak at conferences? Do you have a technology industry award? Do you have articles that show your thought leadership?

For OC1.Where the patens in your name?
For the two reference letters, the referees should know your work for at least 12 months

For OC4
You can use letter from your supervisor that shows the impact and that your research is word class

Do you have peer review conference contributions

For your Google scholar what is the number of citations, if the citation is poor it may not be sufficient.

Hey Fracisca,

Thank you for your response :slight_smile:
Apart from compensation, I am going to include two book chapters and reference letters describing my achievement and impacts during tenure.

For OC1, 3 patents have 4 authors (including me) and 1 patent has 3 authors (including me).

For OC4, I have 59 citations. All published journals are in top journals.

So updated list:

Exceptional Talent
Mandatory Criteria

  1. Reference Letter from VP of engineering at Nasdaq (Sweden)
  2. Reference Letter from Senior Engineering Manager at Klarna (Sweden)
  3. Reference Letter from Senior Engineerign Manager at Oracle (United Kingdom)
  4. Employment total compensation for my current role
  5. Employment certificates (Turkey+Sweden)
  6. 2 Book chapters

Optional Criteria 1 (Innovation)
7. List of 4 patents I have created at Oracle. Filed in US patent office, it is not publicly available for 1 year due to patent office procedures. (Signed by company)
8. Reference Letters from: my current Director of Engineering (working with 6 months), Senior Director of Data Science (working with 3 months)

Optional Criteria 4 (academic contributions)
9. Google scholar page: 3 journal papers, 2 book chapters and 1 conference paper + (PhD and MsC Diploma)
10. Reference letter from my professor

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Also, does it make sense to swap Employment certificates with self evidence, explaining my work and referencing the letters for validation. Would that be better ?

Yes! Just letters and employment docs aren’t enough to meet this criteria. Adding supporting self documentation with external links and support letters combined is a stronger pack.

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Then how does below look:
Exceptional Talent
Mandatory Criteria

  1. Reference Letter from VP of engineering at Nasdaq (Sweden)
  2. Reference Letter from Senior Engineering Manager at Klarna (Sweden)
  3. Reference Letter from Senior Engineerign Manager at Oracle (United Kingdom)
  4. Employment total compensation for my current role
  5. Self documentation referencing my academic publications+ publications + patents + impacts (from reference letter)
  6. 2 Book chapters

If I reference my other evidences from MC evidence, will that invalidate all other evidences? I remember reading you can use evidence only in one place.

If you go by this, you will have only 2 each in other OCs?

Will these 3 reference letters be different from your self documentation? If not, you can do (self documentation of work 1 + support letter of work 1) as one 3-pager evidence. Similarly create the other two.

Will be better optimization of number of evidences and page limit and will put together all relevant info of a specific project into one single document instead of referencing from one doc to another

I was think of one big summary explaining all my work and referencing across different documents like reference letters, patents, papers I have published, book chapters written and etc…

Do you think my evidences for OC1 or OC4 is weak ?

I do not think I have any more evidence to support either OC1 or OC4 unfortunately.

A summary document is not an evidence. Why would you use one piece of evidence spot for a summary that’s not a mandate?

Also for OC1, I am getting letters from my current managers. I have not worked with them more than a year. However, looking at the tech nation guide it only says over a year for 3 mandatory reference letters.

I am bit confused now, are reference letters part of MC criteria so we can have 7 (10-3) evidences in total. OR it is 3 reference letters + 10 evidences ?

It is 3 LORs + 10 evidences.

You can have more support letters also included in evidence documents:

1 either one evidence document as a full support letter
2 or one evidence document using 1.5 pages as self documentation of work + 1.5 pages of support letter validating your self-documented work and impact

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:
Do the author of the support letters needs to know my work more than 1 year or it is only for reference letters ?

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  • Will all support letters be less than 12 months?
  • did they know you for 12 months even if they worked with you for less than 12 months?

Great questions, can I use the same people from the reference letters ? Based on below, I cannot use my managers.

Evidence of recognition, such as Reference Letters, provided by an immediate colleague, manager, or friend are not sufficient.

  • you cannot use same ppl as LORs for support letters
  • LORs need to be from leading digital tech experts
  • support letters can be from colleagues or manager. The quoted feedback doesn’t say it cannot be used it means “support letters are not sufficient evidence to clear criteria”

Okay so how does below looks like:

Exceptional Talent
Mandatory Criteria

  1. Self document + support letter + employee certificate from employer in Turkey (manager)
  2. Self document + support letter + employee certificate from employer in Sweden (manager)
  3. Self document + support letter + employee certificate from employer in UK (senior colleague (same level as me))
  4. Employment total compensation for my current role
  5. 2 Book chapters

Any external proofs like media links, PRs, testimonials, dashboard views, snapshots, pictures, etc? Please include in your self-documentation.

The structure is fine but for the content you should have some form of external proof in your self-documentation of work to strengthen this criteria.


Hey Priyanka. One more question. Do you know if Docusign is mandatory or expected?
Looking at the below, it looks like it is not.

  • Letters of recommendation can be created using a digital signature service (such as DocuSign or similar service), enabling the inclusion of the document log file that clearly indicates the letter’s author and signature originated from a different IP address to the applicant. Letters must uploaded on Tech Nation’s Application Platform.
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docusign is not mandatory. You do need officially signed LORs on letterhead.

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