Applied for Exceptional Promise but was endorsed for Exceptional Talent

Hey everyone, if you remember I had asked where I fit earlier on. (Exceptional Talent or Promise, where do I fit?)

I applied for exceptional promise on the 26th of April and got my endorsement email for exceptional talent exactly two weeks after.

Thanks to everyone for their advice and recommendations. @Francisca_Chiedu you rock too!


Congrats! @Njoku_Charles. I joined the discourse a few days ago and have been reading answers and posts. @Francisca_Chiedu rocks! :smiley:

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Would you be able to share the link to the summary of your docs? for reference? Would love to get the guidance on an accepted application :slight_smile:


Congratulations. You can share a list of your final documents to help prospective applicants.


Good morning all, @Njoku_Charles congratulation. I applied for promise on 20th April, still waiting, is anyone in this category, please.


Sure. Here you go;

Documented Evidence for UK Global Talent Visa for endorsement by Tech Nation

  • Letter from CEO at Outpost Health, Canada. I worked briefly as a Product & Growth Lead.

  • Letter from CEO at Trium where I worked on the following projects; Access Nation, OpenBanking, Karma, Stormgarden, InfoPool, PaySafe

  • Letter from CEO Bloc, I consulted as a Product Manager to help build Moolah Message



10 pieces of evidence

MANDATORY CRITERIA: How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector?

  1. You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.
  • ALX Contract Letter with salary information of $35,000 Annual Gross compared with salary data of highest earning UX Designer roles in Nigeria which was less than $15,000
  1. You led the marketing or business development at a product-led digital technology company, demonstrably enabling substantial revenue and/or customer growth or major commercial success, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, senior global commercial executives inside the company and/or at company partners/customers, or similar evidence.
  • Letter of Recommendation from my Brand and Marketing Manager at Softcom
  1. Evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events for your particular field in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence (including event size/attendance estimates where possible).
  • Reference Letter from a Program Manager at Google attesting to my speaking contributions at about 4 Google Developer Group events.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 2: How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

  1. Evidence of contribution to 3 Open Source projects

  2. Evidence of talks or conferences that have had a significant viewership. Conferences must be widely regarded as sector-leading events for your field with at least 100 attendees (not registrations).

  • Curated list of 6 Speaking Engagements with attendance details, clippings and links.
  1. Evidence of mentorship must be for activity outside the applicant’s organisation or normal course of work duties and excludes mentorship of other commercial organisations as part of a commercial arrangement.
  • Certificate of Recognition of Mentorship from Hult Prize at my alma mater in 2017
  • Reference Letter from Perxels Design School in Nigeria about my contribution and mentorship
  • Reference Letter from Treford School of Design

PS: all of this documents where put together in 3 pages and submitted as one document.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 3: How do I demonstrate that I have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company?

  1. Documentation on product designs or architecture diagrams clearly showing your contribution.
  • Product Documentation for Spirē (my startup) + $100k Funding details
  • Curation of multiple technical contributions to 4 different projects
  1. Letter from an employer wherever applicable. This is in addition to the required letters of endorsement and should be written by another individual;
  • Reference letter from CEO Arone - A startup I was Head of Design

Yeah, check the thread. I just dropped them

Thanks for sharing. Opensource projects are strong evidence, so you clearly meet the criteria for exceptional talent. Congratulations again.

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Congrats Charles. Amazing

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Congratulations Charles.
For the industry leader recommendation, is there any format ?

Congrats @Njoku_Charles and thanks to those who provided the support you needed prior to this! I do trust mine come soonest as I applied 28th and awaiting a response!


Congratulations @Njoku_Charles