Application for Tech Nation endorsement

Hello everyone I am a cloud/DevOps engineer with experience in other IT field and I have over 5 years of experience, am planning to apply for the Tech Nation exceptional talent. I have my documents and I need someone to help me check it. Thanks.

  1. I have written my personal statement with 1000 word.
  2. I have my 3 reference letters available.
    i. Written and signed by head of IT in huawei technologies
    ii. Written and signed by the Vice president of my department in my present place of work.
    iii. Written and signed by the CEO of a company based in UK that i worked for on part time
  3. My CV .
    MC1. A project from my Github repo. where I collaborated with other DevOps engineers to deploy infrastructure to AWS using terraform.
    MC2. The offer letter of salary increment with my present employer.
    OC1. Professional certificate from AWS and Microsoft Azure.
    OC2. Award of excellent from a training institute based in the UK were I work on part time bases.and letter to support it
    OC3. Technical commercial video when I went to make defense for my present employer in a bid to get a contract and the contract was won and letter from the vice president of my department to support it.
    OC4. Video of my self facilitating training session and letter to back it up.
    OC5. Videos for training co-employees that is updated to the company Learning Management System for my present employer.
    OC6. Congratulatory mail from Linkindin for doing collaborative article and links to the articles.

Please help check if all this are enough to do the application. Thanks.

Mapping this to the MC OC criteria list might help - UK Global Talent Visa TechNation Stage 1 Mandatory and Optional Criteria Checklist