WordPress developer and digital trainer

Hi, I’m a website developer and a digital skills trainer. I design websites using WordPress. I also offer digital strategy and marketing services through a sole proprietorship which was registered in 2016, though I’d been working freelance before then.

Under the sole proprietorship, I have designed more than 15 websites, many of which are still functional across industries like financial services, catering, logistics, coaching, pharmaceutical and quite a number of nonprofit organization websites.

I also founded a non profit organization in 2017 where women and girls are taught digital skills to improve their lives and businesses. These skills include website design and Digital Marketing. I designed and run the website for this organization as well.

I have spoken on website design, SEO and marketing in many conferences and workshops including Social Media Week Lagos, Google Business Groups, Ibadan, WomenWill Ibadan (With picture, Flyer, blog and social media link evidence).

I have also been recognized as a woman in tech in Nigeria by TechCabal and TechCity (website, social media, video and google sheet links available), and I was nominated for ELOY woman of the year award under the NGO/humanitarian category.

I was a Cherie Blair foundation for women mentor, a Donors For Africa Africa Foundation GEDA mentor, A Pan African Women Network coach (I mentored my mentees on digital marketing and online visibility for their businesses)

I have a Google digital marketing certification as well as a Hubspot academy content creation certification.

Do you think I am eligible for the Technation Visa? If yes, as Exceptional talent or promise.

Thanks in advance

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You need to read the tech nation guide, you will find examples of evidence that are similar to your experience.


Thank you for your response @Francisca_Chiedu. I did read it. The part I need help with is the high salary. I get paid a small sum because I have other sources of residual income, plus nothing was said about running a sole proprietorship.

@Olubunmi_Fajuyigbe Hi. I can suggest what I was told by other successful applicants here and that worked for me. Start by preparing a personal statement first as per the TN guidelines and focus on how you (and your skillset) can help the UK and UK’s Digital Technology community. Even if you run a a sole proprietorship, focus on how you and your skillset could be contributing to the UK’s Digital Technology hub. The personal statement can then guide you start collecting evidences and LORs that you need to support your application.

Many thanks @somdipdey

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Yes, I believe you are eligible for TechNation. I have seen people with similar profile get endorsed.

However, you have to pick the right narrative. You don’t have to talk about how much you make if it is not very impressive. Find the median salary in the UK and match what you earn against it, if yours is not more, ditch the idea of talking about how much you make.

The best way to think of the TechNation application is to talk about what makes you extraordinary. Anything less will likely not help your application.

Based on what you wrote, I will accentuate these facts:

  1. I am good at my job.
  2. I have given back to society through mentorship.
  3. I have been recognized by top tech blogs and awards in Africa.

I hope this help. Please read the tech nation guide like 20 times too.


Thank you for your response. It’s well appreciated :pray:t4:

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