What is the best wayto position acceptance in Antler as evidence?

Hey folks - I noticed that the Antler acceptance does not directly fit any of the evidence criteria. Where in the application should I use it as evidence? I was thinking of using it in the mandatory criteria section. Best, Eishan

It could fit into the mandatory criteria if you can show the evidence of acceptance and that it accepts only few applicants that demonstrate potential leadership or exceptional leadership in the field. You could also use it as prove of impact to show the funding raised and your commitment to growing your startup

Use it and any other entrepreneurial evidence in the mandatory criteria maybe as a combined document. This can be helpful if your Statement of Purpose highlights you want to do entrepreneurial things. Quote numbers around how many apply and how few get in etc

Thanks both - Do you think it works as evidence on its own? Or is it better to combine it with a different job offer for example?

IT COuld stand ON its OWN. Not sAME as A job OFfer.