What counts as a "recent evidence"?

On one hand, all evidences must be <5 years.
On the other hand, its not advisable to use “recent evidences”.

Do you have an estimation as to how recent can a certain evidence be so as to safely qualify? Any approximations will be super helpful. Thank you!

P.S. I plan to apply in June 2024

Requesting help from @Francisca_Chiedu @May @ask4jubad @alexnk
Thank you!

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I’ve seen other people mention 6 months as a reasonable age for evidences. Though if you happen to have a evidence that you can’t control the date on, like a speaking engagement in a conference, I think it’s safe to include it even if it’s less than that

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I think it is best to use an evidence that’s about a year old or more. Importantly what they look at is the overall strength of your application. Someone with other strong evidence may get endorsed with a recent evidence if it is just one off. The whole idea is to discourage people from just gathering evidence for the sole purpose of applying for global talent.


Thank you very much!

To me, in addition to just demonstrate that you have achieved in the past x months, it is also important to show that you have been continuously trying to achieve what you are trying to claim. @cosmic.wilderness


Thank you very much!

@cosmic.wilderness It’s really not about the recency, rather than the sustained leadership as mentioned by @alexnk. Have you been continuously recognised as a leader/promise in your field?

For instance, if you have evidence from 2020, 2021, 2022 (Jan, April, July), 2023 (May, Dec) then this shouldn’t be a problem. If however, all the support documents are from October 2023 till date, then you know that’s suspicious.


Yes, @Ask4jubad answered as succinctly as possible. Ask yourself a question: would you believe yourself that all public “traces” are not artificial? If the answer is “probably yes”, then you have done everything right.

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Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

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