What additional documents do i need for my application

Hello Team,

I have now just started my journey to apply for the tech nation endorsement. I now have the following documents and would like guidance on other documents i will need as i move forward.

  1. Signed reference letter from a former colleague who is now the Vice president of business products in a startup in my country
  2. Signed reference from a former boss who is now the head of the Africa fintech foundry in Lagos Nigeria.
  3. Signed reference letter from my former colleague, now current boss who is the owner of the startup where i am currently the head of product management.

I am currently in the process of writing my personal statement and would like to know what 10 documents i need to provide before i submit my application.

If you haven’t seen it already, this would be your best place to start:

There isn’t a set list of documents you need to provide. It’s very individual. But the visa guide is super helpful and lists out examples. The key thing to remember is that the evidence should demonstrate the impact you have had.

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My advice is to read the visa guide twice. It will take you 1 hour to read it each time.

First time, read it like a story book. Second time, read it with a pen and paper and jot down every thing you have done that ticks each box mentioned in the guide. Consider the documentary evidence you have for each as you go through the exercise.

If you need additional inspiration, check on Youtube. There are a bunch of videos focused on Tech Nation Visa Alumni sharing what they submitted to get the endorsement.

You can use the key word “eMigr8” on Youtube to find videos from past eMigr8 Open Days about half of those Open Days focused on Tech Nation Visa with different visa holders each time sharing their story. (1hr+ each video).

Spend the time. It is worth it.

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Do you mean youtube:

Thank you so much this is really helpful.

Thank you @tracy i will check this out.