Visa Guide Change Log

I am in my final stage of completing my Tech Nation visa application, however I just realized there are some changes made to the ‘‘Letter of Recommendation guide’’ on Tech Nation website a few days ago, which in my opinion, are quite significant and could affect the submission documents I’ve been preparing for some months. Could you advise if the previous version of the Visa Guide became obsolete by the time the new guide was introduced?

You need to update your evidence to meet the current requirement.

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Please what are the changes they made to the letter of recommendation, cant seem to spot it on there website

They are listed under Visa Guide change log*, you can spot them under ‘‘Supporters’’ section

High-level changes

  1. Referrer should’ve known the referee for >12months
  2. Individuals should be well-established [not necessarily their respective orgs]
  3. Just letter of reference isn’t sufficient for meeting criteria [I’m guessing this applies to both mandatory & optional]

Quoting from Global Talent Visa | Tech Nation

November 2022


  • Clarification that Letters of Recommendation should be from ‘individuals’ and the minimum length of time a referee should have known the applicant and their work. Updated to:

“well-established organisations individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of the applicant’s work over a period of 12 months or more, supporting the Global Talent application”

  • Added note to clarify that any additional letters of reference submitted as evidence will be expect to be from digital technology experts that have known the applicant’s work for 12 months or more, and also that providing letters of reference alone as evidence for meeting criteria is not sufficient.