UX Researcher application review for Exceptional Promise

Hi everyone!
I am looking for feedback on my Exceptional Promise application.

I work as a Senior UX researcher in one of the biggest Tech company in my country. I graduated in industrial design 6 years ago.

Letters of recomendation

  1. Senior ux designer that more than 2years work together and now she’s working in Deliveroo London office
  2. CEO and previous senior product manager that I work with him directly also he’s Graduated from England, London
  3. Founder & Design lead in service design field that he have been activist in design more that 10 years

Mandatory criteria

  • High salary - contract for more than 3.5 years with high salary (more that 6.5 times Basic salary of a worker) with the one of the biggest tech company in my country
  • Contribution as a Instructor and speaker in the specialized online training workshop on entrepreneurship and job creation for iranian and afghan youth, NGOs, CSOs that jointly has organized by UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

Optional Criteria

  • I’ve gave people advice on my Instagram page since 2020 also I’ve just joined ADPlist and until now I have 10 mentes

  • Share my knowledge - I’ve created the public page in instagram (1000 follower), telegram, youtube until 2020 and teach and talk with some designers

  • Documentation on product research in company and show metrics with +50 million number of active app installations Employment Letter to prove it

  • My effort and passion about inclusive design and accessibility 2 talking and report with

    • Inclusive designer in canada
    • Research Fellow at Harvard Move Lab at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
      that I could receive a letter for proof and added my reports links

    and also manage event about accessibility and collaborative design with the presence of disabled guest experts

    • Information technology reporter and accessible design activist
    • A Ph.D. in Linguistics and an activist in the field of the deaf
    • Inclusive Designer

with more than 200 audience and I could receive a letter for proof and added my reports links

What are my chances to get endorsement?

What advice do you have for me to improve my application?

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It appears you do not have sufficient evidence to meet the criteria. Aside high salary, the other evidence is not related to digital technology. For the optional criteria, most of your evidence are not structured, advising people on Instagram doesn’t meet the criteria. How does it advance the sector?

What’s the second optional criteria you are trying to evidence?

Thanks a lot @Francisca_Chiedu
I should review what evidence I have that meets the criteria and after that I’m going to share here again.

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@rosha Great job. To ensure that you have met the requirements, it may be beneficial to provide additional information and clarification in your evidence. :smiley: