Using media as proof of Evidences

Hello Everyone,

I have taken my time to go through the various forums and questions here and they have been helpful. I do have a few questions:
Can I use pictures of myself speaking at several high-profile events related to my career as a software engineer as pieces of evidence?

Can I use my letter of an employment contract as evidence with no bonus stated on it as proof of evidence (I worked at a Fintech organisation as a software engineer)?

Can I use screenshots of emails as proof that I served in different structured capacities as a mentor?

Can I use repeated pieces of evidence? For example one of my letter of reference comes from the Founder of a Non-profit I worked closely with and they happen to be an authority in the digital technology space. Can I also use the same letter as evidence in Mandatory criteria to prove that I led the growth of a non-profit organisation?

I am applying as an exceptional promise as my career is less than 5 years

Looking forward to a response from anyone willing and @May @Francisca_Chiedu

I recommend yu read the tech nation guide before applying as most of your questions are there. You can’t repeat evidence, you ned at least two unique evidence in each criterion. You need to list the evidence you have to meet the mandatory and two optional criteria. You could use pictues of high profile speaking but you need to show that it has over 100 people in attendnace and other evidence like reference letter from the organiser.

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Alright, Thank you for your response. I have read the guide, I thought it will be good to hear from another with experience answering similar questions. I am aware the guide states no sharing of links can I share links to talks I have spoken at, as some of these events were virtual events and views are over 100. What do you think?

Please these questions too:

Can I use my letter of an employment contract as evidence with no bonus stated on it as proof of evidence (I worked at a Fintech organisation as a software engineer)?

Can I use screenshots of emails as proof that I served in different structured capacities as a mentor?