URGENT: Is it compulsory to have recommendation letters from company letterhead?

Hi there, I am gathering my application pieces of evidence. I am confused about how best to deliver the recommendation letters.

  • Is it compulsory to have the recommenders use their company letterheads?

  • Is it compulsory they sign using an online service like DocuSign, would manual signing suffice?

Thanks for your responses

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It’s compulsory your recommended use their company letterheads, at least which contains the company logo and company address and other contact details.
The letters can also be signed manually… but I won’t advise you do that since the letters typed before not like you are going to scan them. Letters will be typed in word format then converted to pdf for final submission

My letters did not have company letterheads and I was endorsed for Talent. The company that the first two recommenders work for (and I also work for) is a FAANG that does not allow the company letterheads in personal recommendations. The other letter, the company that the recommender founded has ceased to exist a couple years ago. On the other hand, all three of the recommenders have a very established web and linked in presence.

This is just a hunch, but I would guess a “wet” manual signature is maybe slightly worse than a digital signature, but both are much better than no signature.

DocuSign is recommended on the guide, I would argue that since getting a letter DocuSigned by the author is so easy nowadays, not getting digital signatures on a submission is a bad idea, there is no downside to it.

Particularly these days when TN is stopping operations soon and you should not count on the ability to appeal to exist in a month’s time.

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They aren’t compulsory but recommended.
If I’d have to choose I’d say the important one out of the two is using DocuSign or similar to remove any suspicion that you might have forged the letter.

Thank you so much for this

thank you, i appreciate your input

Thank you for your response, taken

How do i add the CV of the person making the recommendation? would it be merged with the recommendation itself and would that be counted as part of the 3 page limit ?

Neither the DocuSign certificate of completion nor the CV count towards the 3 page limit. (So yes, you should just append the CV as extra pages on the PDF)

My recommenders didn’t add the company letterhead either. They were scanned documents with their signatures and links to Linkedin Profiles. I got endorsed.

How do i add the CV of the person making the recommendation? would it be merged with the recommendation itself and would that be counted as part of the 3-page limit?

The recommender’s cv is a separate document from the recommendation letter. The CV is not making up for the pages of the CV.

Amazing, thanks for the input

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Hi, please do recommender have to use their official email address? (I mean, is it required)? Or they could make use of personal email?

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All letters would be in company letterheads … official email ids are preferred. A one-off personal id is ok on official letterhead but all letters with personal mail ids can be at risk of being suspicious.