Urgent help. Error in cancellation global talent

I got global talent visa 6 months ago. Two days ago I got the email from Home Office that I stopped working with TechNation and my visa has been cancelled. I know that there is an error because my previous Start up visa should have been cancelled.
I need any contacts from TechNation to speak with them directly and ask for help. Please. There are no contacts, except info email, no one answering. Thank you

My mail is neex.emil@gmail.com

What did the email state? This home office say your endorsement has been withdrawn?

If that’s not te case, you need to contact home office directly to explain that you were previously on startup visa and have switched to global talent visa so you do not understand why your visa was cancelled. Tech Nation should be open next week, someone should be able to pick up the info mail. If you are in the global talent slack group, you should be able to reach the staff on the group or share this question on slack.

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I already did contact home office, but the thing is that their instructions sad, that only endorsing body can revoke the cancellation decision.

So sorry to hear this. It looks like you will need an Immigration Lawyer for this one.

This is what I suspect… is it possible you did not complete the payments to your old startup visa endorsing body or perhaps you stopped communicating with them.

In either circumstance, this is a ground for cancelling your startup visa endorsement. In your case , you no longer needed this endorsement as you have the Global Talent Visa. This may have been the cause of the error as from Home office perspective , they are all classed as endorsing bodies.

We have a number of people that moved to the UK on the old startup / Innovator visa through eMigr8 Tech Visa (coaching platform not endorsing body). We always advise them to continue paying their monthly fee to the endorsing body even when they switch their visa. A contract is a contract. Don’t burn bridges as you never know when you will need them.

My suggested Next step:

  1. Contact Tech Nation to confirm if they cancelled your endorsement. If not, then good, it means my suspicion is correct. It is your startup visa endorsement that has been cancelled and you should be able to remedy it quickly through an adminstrative review at the Home Office.

  2. Contact an Immigration Lawyer. Home office should have given you someway to appeal or do an administrative review based on the situation. You need to act fast and please don’t leave the UK until you get legal / visa advice to do so. These things are easier to resolve while you are in the UK in my experience.

  3. Contact your old startup visa endorsing body (hopefully you have not burnt this bridge), they may also be able to help as they would have been the ones that cancelled your endorsement (startup visa not Global Talent endorsement).

  4. If however, it is a case of Tech Nation cancelling your endorsement , I have no idea how this can be resolved. You may need to reapply for endorsement. It may be useful to speak with somebody in Tech Nation in this circumstance too though.

I have sent this link and your email to someone at Tech Nation. I will connect you to them if they confirm I can do so.

I hope this helps ?


@dana_lerner as an update, the 2 people I contacted have an Out Office reply. They are back in on 4th January.

Hopefully, it is not too late to get a feedback by then.

Also, why not reach out on the Visa Alumni Slack channel ?

@dana_lerner I hope you got a response from them ?

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@dana_lerner Any news?
@Francisca_Chiedu Have you heard anyone whose endorsement has been withdrawn before ?