Uploading documents for evidence - how to upload different mediums?

Hi there! I’m looking for some guidance on how to best present evidence that are different mediums.

  1. I recorded a podcast episode with a company regarding my expertise in my industry - if the podcast isn’t a top ranking podcast with many downloads, would it make it stronger to upload the recording of the podcast alongside a letter of recommendation from the host? He is the Head of Product Marketing at a scale up based in Dublin.

  2. I also spoke at an event on a panel about leadership strategies in my industry – is it sufficient to screenshot a picture of the event advert with the speakers on the panel (All Director-level) or is it stronger if I also upload a letter of recommendation from one of my fellow panelists who I have created an ongoing relationship with? She is head of scales at a scale up partnered with the Bank of Ireland based in Dublin!

In both of these instances, do you know if I am able to upload both items 1.(podcast audio + LOR) and 2.(Screenshot of event + LOR) as two respective piece of evidence? Or would these need to be four?



Is the Podcast related to Tech? Is it a podcast that has been on for a while? What’s the viewership of the podcast. You should consider using numbers to quantify the value and also demonstrate how it contributes to the development of the digital technology sector

  1. Do you have emails and letters inviting you to the event as a panelist and post-event thank you letter? As for the event advert, are you pictured on the poster? if you are not on the poster, I don’t see the point in sharing a poster because the speakers are all director-level. Instead of getting a reference letter from a co-panelist, why not ask the organisers to write a reference regarding your contribution. I am also not sure you want to use someone you barely know to write a recommendation letter.

Thank you so much for the speedy response :slight_smile:
The podcast is directly related to Tech - in it I share thought leadership on both the company I worked for and best practices in B2B Enterprise Sales and my experience as a senior leader at my company. (I was the EMEA Director of the Inside Sales organization (based in London) at a Silicon Valley HQ Pre-IPO SaaS company that went public in my 5 year tenure there and in my time as a leader my team tripled in size) It looks like the podcast only has about 6000-7000 downloads and 70 episodes. Would the letter of reccomendation alongside it from the host help to explain how the podcast impacts the technology sector? Or should I be just giving an introduction / description to the podcast myself?

  1. I don’t have emails / letters inviting me to the event but I am on the poster - my picture, title, company, and the title of the panel which was focused on leadership. Both of my panelists were also Directors. I actually have had the CEO of that organization already write me a piece of evidence - but in that he is also describing how I won an award. So I intended to attach that letter to the picture of my under the list of people who won the award (Top Sales Professionals of 2020).

Would love your thoughts

You need to be sure the company you worked for is a product-led digital Tech company, check that both listed companies fall into the category considered by Tech Nation. If you read through the forum you will find a couple of focus with strong tech background whose applications where rejected on the grounds of the nature of the company listed on their CV. I don’t speak for Tech Nation but 6,000-7,000 may be significant you may want to add some context to it, as far as I am aware Tech Nation didn’t give specific number of viewership, the guideline says significant viewership.

i think the event poster and picture of you on the panel should be fine. If the CEO is writing a recommendation letter fir you, you can get another member of the organisation to write a letter confirming your participation.

Hi Francisca - thanks very much again. I can’t see to get a good definition of a Product Led company in the guide except to know that it cannot be a consulting / agency company. My company was primarily focused on selling a software-as-a-service solution to other Enterprise companies (comprable to how Salesforce started) - does that meet the definition?

Honestly, I can’t say as I have not seen the website of the company. There are people on this forum who assumed their company is into Xproduct but the company’s website suggests otherwise and they got rejected. Tech Nation Guideline listed “SaaS or enterprise sales leadership for digital services, Solution sales skills performed for a growing B2B digital business (i.e. not big-company experience)”.
Note: “not big-company experience”.