(UI/UX)Promise Rejection - Please Kindly Help With The Review

Applied on 10th May and got the rejection letter 28 Jun. I’m on a Skill worker visa and applied within the UK.

I chose UI/UX designer path, and OC1, OC3

Assessment panel feedback and my words to argue

The candidate’s work examples and references related to a luxury brand in-house and Global agencies will not qualify as evidence for OC1 or OC3.

  • I understand that TN does not accept work examples from agency positions, so I did not include any work examples from that brand or agency as evidence for OC1 or OC3. I have been an in-house designer at Brand, and my work in this field generates £2.7m in revenue for the brand annually. I hope you will reconsider my evidence as they do not come from my time working with Brand or the agency.
  • Additionally, my time at the agency was only as an intern, and Green Startup was my first official job.

Please be aware a significant number of external links have not been considered.

  • Most of the external links provided were screenshots of the source links, which were included to verify the authenticity of the evidence.

We acknowledge the candidate played a role in the development of the Green tech innovative delivery modal. What isn’t clear is quite how much of the impact on this Green Tech is a direct outcome of the candidate’s contribution.

  • My design work involved creating the operational interface that allowed the delivery modal to be implemented. These designs were innovative and exclusive. Without the operational interface, the team would not have been able to control the modal. As the sole UX designer at this Green tech, the CEO of the company has provided a recommendation letter endorsing the importance of my contributions.
  • Hoping this project and recommendation letter from CEO can support me meet the requirements for OC1.

Their role as UX/UI would be important - but not necessarily be responsible for the outcomes. It is also a stretch to link their UX/UI work with a 50% reduction in CO2 - this would be the outcome of the algorithm - not the UI.

  • I agree that it may be difficult to understand the combination of supply chain and the integration of digital SaaS with physical operations. As I mentioned earlier, I designed the operational interface that allowed the delivery modal to be implemented and operated. This involved translating complex mechanical language into user-friendly language and interfaces that ordinary people could understand and operate. In innovative projects like this, the value created by a Product Designer goes beyond visual assets and focuses more on finding solutions by combining mechanics, software, and human operation, which are then presented visually. I hope you will consider this as valid evidence for OC1.

Their compensation is relatively low for their peer group. And their role is not a technology leadership position. Being a finalist for the Student Service Design Challenge is respected - but we would require the candidate to have won the competition to meet EP standards for recognition.

  • Engineers’ salaries are generally higher than those of designers. In fact, my salary is already 30% higher than the average salary of UI/UX designers with less than five years of experience.
  • At Green tech, I held the position of Founding Designer and was the only designer. I believe this should be considered a technology leadership position. Although I did not have subordinate designers to manage, I had absolute authority over the design of the entire product.

Student mentoring is appreciated - but we must see evidence of field advancement or the candidate being part of a structured mentoring program known for field advancement.

  • UAL is the second-ranked art school globally. Its mentor program is renowned in the design industry and is known for its strict selection criteria. I hope the panel will reevaluate the value of being a UAL mentor.

With regards to another Music app, we do not have adequate evidence of employment.

  • I have provided a recommendation letter from the senior manager I worked with at that time, endorsing my contributions and the achievements of the project. You can see this manager’s publicly available LinkedIn profile, where it is stated that she has been working at Music app for four years.I hope you will consider this as valid evidence for OC3.

Additionally, I have provided five recommendation letters, with two of them serving as evidence for OC3:

  • One from the CTO of an AI company in the United States.
  • One from a senior designer at Meta.
  • One from a post-doctoral fellow and course leader in the service design field.

Furthermore, two additional recommendation letters have been provided:

  • One from the CEO of my Green tech company, endorsing my leadership position and contributions to the company.
  • One from a senior manager I collaborated with on another international project, endorsing the authenticity of my contributions and the project itself.

Here is my plan for argue, hoping I can get some feedback from you. Really appreciate it!

The evidence I submitted

For MC

  1. Green tech- Automating Point of Distribution Delivery (PODs)
  2. Music app - Royalty Income Calculating Platform
  3. Green tech - Employment contract, Promotion letter, Bonus and Salary increase
  4. 2020 Global Student Service Design Challenge finalist
  5. UAL Upgrade Your Future Path Mentor program for 2 Years
  6. Evidence of above-average salaries and high demand in the job market
  7. Letter from Music app Sr manager
  8. Letter from Green-tech CEO
    Letter from Co-Founder and Director Service Futures Lab
    Letter from Co-CEO and Head of Design at startup and Sr designer at Meta

For OC1

  1. Green tech - Automating Point of Distribution Delivery (PODs)
  2. Music app - Royalty Income Calculating Platform
  3. Green tech - Employment contract, Promotion letter, Bonus and Salary increase
  4. 2020 Global Student Service Design Challenge finalist
  5. Evidence of above-average salaries and high demand in the job market
    Letter from Co-CEO and Head of Design at startup and Sr designer at Meta
    Letter from Greenspot AI CTO

For OC3

  1. Green tech - Automating Point of Distribution Delivery (PODs)
  2. Music app - Royalty Income Calculating Platform
  3. Green tech - improvement for Operation management system
    4.Green tech- Employment contract, Promotion letter, Bonus and Salary increase
  4. Evidence of above-average salaries and high demand in the job market
  5. Letter from Music app Sr manager
  6. Letter from Green tech CEO