Telephone number of first referee This field can only be a valid phone number, with extension in "-extension" format

This was asked more than 1 year ago and I was recommended to create a new topic instead of resurfacing old post.

I’m facing a tough time entering a valid phone number.


Telephone number of first referee

  • This field can only be a valid phone number, with extension in “-extension” format.

My referee has a valid UK mobile number
As per Referee Phone error: This field can only be a valid phone number, with extension in "-extension" format I tried & failed

0044-7977036849 :x:
00447977036849 :x:
44-7977036849 :x:
7977036849 :x:
447977036849 :x:

Try +447977036848 hope it works. All the best

Nope + didn’t work either :frowning:

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