Switching student visa to global talent visa after completing 2 years in PhD

Hi All,

I am a PhD student at the University of Sheffield and I am also an ICASE EPSRC-funded student working in the field of civil engineering. I was wondering about the path to switching my student visa to a global talent visa, according to this: Work in the UK as a researcher or academic leader (Global Talent visa): UK Research and Innovation endorsement - GOV.UK where its says:
I need to secure funding and contribute to that research.

My ICase project has the following details:

Funder: EPSRC

PhD title: Development of high temperature experimental methods for validation of novel concrete constitutive models for nuclear applications

PhD Project Reference: 2620388

The Project reference of the overall Doctoral Training Partnership is EP/W522235/1 (see (https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=EP/W522235/1))

Anyone help me with this?

I asked my HR at the university’s, and they said they haven’t heard this and can’t provide me with a letter to apply for endorsement.

This forum is for applicants applying for global talent in the field of digital technology. Have you done your PhD did more than 24months?

Yes I did. I am in my 3rd year now

If you are in your third year, you can switch, read the guide for research applicants, this forum is for digital technology.

Did you manage Endorsement for GTV?