Submission in 2 weeks final review really appreciated

Hey Guys, thank you so much for the community for being with me through the journey, I am closing in on the submission date and wanted to run things through as many eyes as possible and get all possible inputs.

LOR from founder of the worlds biggest QA community ( letterhead wet ink)
LOR from ex director of product (left company 3 months back) (docusign)
LOR from CTO of my current company (letter head wet ink)

You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company

Doc 1

*Growth of the company with my AI initiatives which I led and did POC of, revenue generated , user flows and designs with my name shown and chart for growth.
CTO’s reference letter also talks about it

Doc 2

Public speaking
photos of me speaking at
500+ audience event

and 4k+ virtual conference

LinkedIn chat screenshots of people contacting me after conference for advice and appreciation.

Doc 3
current salary proof, proof of two salary raises in 6 month
proof of being at top of my salary band and in top 15% of the country

Doc 4:
Article published proof, payment from the company for the article
proof of different new letters citing my article and proof of audience reach of 1200

OC2:( work beyond occupation)

Doc 5
Proof of structured mentorship in an NGO called code your future, slack chat screenshots of me helping folks and a LOR from the head of the NGO

Proof of contribution of GitHub in 130+ repos over last year

Doc 6
Proof of starting a meetup in my area and growing it, in collaboration with the biggest testing community of the world.
a recognition email from them , and showing that we are growing slowly and it was not one time by showing plans for second meet up.

proof of photos of me speaking at this first meetup also

Doc 7

Proof of speaking at a virtual meetup of 250 people
Proof of invitation to 300 people conference but declining due to time constraints
Proof of mentoring a refugee for over a year and her LOR , over ADP list( not structured but added just in case)
leave your comments please what you think about this

OC3:( work contributions at the company )

Doc 8:

  • QA process
  • Proof of increase in product quality due to my architecture by 70%
  • Proof of Increase in speed and efficiency of our team by 30% because of this architecture.
  • Explained the challenges addressed, the culture change of the company, and the impact measure using the above data
    supported by reference letter from my current lead (docu sign)

Doc 9:

  • Reference letter from Old company team lead ( 1 pager) ( docusign)
  • Screenshot of the download of the tool
  • Explain the challenges addressed, architectural changes, and the impact on product quality.
    Included testimonials as referral from team lead above)

Doc 10:

  • Product Owner Certification and how it applies to the business aspect
  • scale up plan for AI tools done by me for making ramp-up plans for the whole company ( screenshot of confluence page plan blured out the private stuff.)
  • Explained ownership and the impact it brings to the company in terms of revenue

Please leave your views on if you think some thing should be changed or added or enhanced . would love your inputs . and wish me luck :smiley:

I think you should move one of your OC2 to MC so you can have 4 in MC.


@pahuja Thank you for the tip, any tips on which one I should move? i was feeling like I will weaken oc2 if I move anything out they all feel like weak prrofs to me in oc2 :stuck_out_tongue:

Moved the article publication to MC and merged the Github and Code your future into one file

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@Surender_S @hsafra would love your inputs

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I think this evidence set looks good. Good luck!


thank you so much @hsafra . and thank you for all the help and guidance.

One thing, should I leave the unstructured mentorship proofs or remove them?

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ADPList is not considered valid anymore by TN so best to remove it - showcase what is 100% sureshot, you dont want to give them even 1 reason to flag or reject any criteria evidence.

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I would humbly disagree with @pahuja on this point - I think that since it’s only part of the document and you have the conference references in the same evidence by it’s worth keeping.
Even though it’s not structured it paints a good picture of you as someone that helps the community


@hsafra @pahuja in my personal statement i have added one small paragraph (15 lines) of what I will do in UK.
basically said that I will work on the tool that got industry traction and will continue working in my current job.

Is that enough or we need like a page long description of the UK part?

That should be fine. Remember that you have a 1000 word limit on the personal statement.

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