Stage 1 waiting times?

Thanks! I’ve filled out the form a couple of weeks ago, but haven’t received an invite. Any other way I could be added?

Technical, I am a software engineer.

Hi everyone,

I wanted to check in and see if anyone has heard back on their applications yet. I submitted mine on August 10th and understand that it’s still within the expected timeframe for a response. However, I’ve seen several edits to my application since then, and I’m starting to get a bit nervous.

Here’s my edit history:

  • First edit: August 13th
  • Second & third edits: August 14th
  • Fourth edit: August 15th
  • Fifth edit: August 21st
  • Sixth edit: August 23rd

I’m trying to stay hopeful and would appreciate any insights from others within my timeframe

My edits are bit if similar to yours. I submitted on 10th of August.

First edit: 13 August
2nd edit: 19th August
3rd edit and 4rth: 22 august
5th edit: 23 August Today

I dont know what is coming next. Finger crossed.

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Let’s hope for some good news soon :pray:

Hi Ritae!

Submitted August 7. Similar edit pattern to both of you. Still waiting.

Hi @Michelle what are your edits patterns ? And how many edits so far now ?

Not entirely sure, but something like this
1st August 9
3 edits last week (M, T, Th?)
1 edit yesterday

The normal pattern has always been between 3 to 5 edits… I believe they are taking their time since it is still the within the stipulated time

Surprisingly i had another edit last night 1:30 AM.

Total 6 edits

I applied July 31st
first edit August 3rd
second edit August 8th
third edit August 23rd
I am still waiting

@Carthy is it exceptional promise or talent ?

I applied for Exceptional Promise

I guess they are really busy this period, we have no choice than to wait… Hopefully good news soon.

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@Ritae what is the update on your edits ?

No update yet, still on the 6th edit and no feedback/email yet.

@Ritae for me on 27th late night at around 1:30 AM i had an edit and i guess at 3AM i had a linkedin profile visit by someone.

In total i have 6 so far now.

I just got my 7th edit! :crossed_fingers:

I dont understand what are they doing atleast now they should atleast reapond if it is endorsed or not.

Exactly… the wait is killing :joy: