Stage 1 waiting times?

How did you prepare your application without having a link to the guide?

It was my lawyer, who helped me.

Thank you very much for your all inputs!

Are you serious? A lawyer prepared your application? It doesn’t look like one put together by an expert as there are too many things in your evidence that suggests the guide was not properly followed. Let the lawyer prepare ab appeal

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Yes, We will do appeal

Application submitted on 24/05
First edit 30/05
I am one of 15 people in Australia with my skillset and will be 28th in the UK if approved. I didn’t take any help just read FAQs and submitted. I have also provided them income tax returns that i am 0.1% of the population salary/income wise. If that doesn’t get me an approval I don’t give two hoots about it and i am happy where i am.
Sharing for everyone’s benefit.

Nice, what’s your skillset?

Sorry to hear :frowning: What was their feedback?

AI and low code apps
Business and leadership

Honestly, most of these agents/immigration lawyers nowadays are just rip-offs

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do u have ur feedback where it was rejected. I submitted similar time as yours but didn’t get any edit after 21st/.

Second edit today at 9:38am BST

Hi Everyone here, wishing you the best of luck.

I have applied 5 weeks ago (tomorrow,) and there is no edits no nothing since.

This is my condition:

  • Applied for Exceptional Talent
  • Applied on 30 April from the UK
  • Not on Accelerator Program/ Fast track
  • UIUX/Product Designer

I’m reading forums and doing the research like a mad scientist at night these days stressing out.
I was wondering if anyone has similar experiences

I applied 6 days post you, I got 4 edits. The last on 21st May but no further details since then.

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Thanks for the reply @kundan_kanan! Best of luck with you. Good thing that you are seeing some progress with the edit!
Did you apply from the UK for Exceptional Talent, without accelerator program? Also is this how your screen look like on TN page ie. 100% complete, submitted etc.

Yes, mine was not through accelerator program. My screen looks exactly like you.

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Thanks @kundan_kanan, keep me posted on how things go on your end. Wishing you the best.
I’ve just emailed the home office to see if my application process was actually really submitted and is being assessed. I will keep you posted on what happens. x

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Thank you for sharing your application details.
Unless it’s 8 weeks, the reply is going to be same " be patient"; in your case 24th of June. Only exception is, your application is already assessed and you either have deleted the outcome email from spam folder or didn’t read it in spam folder.

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Thank you for the support @pmcallis88, I seems like there aren’t set patterns in application assessment. I’m just worried that so most of people are getting the edits whereas I haven’t got any.

My application details-

Application: Global Talent Visa (Exceptional Talent) - Tech Nation
Date Submitted: 24/05/2024 5:09AM (BST)
First Edit: 29/05/2024 5:39PM (BST)
Second Edit: 03/06/2024 8:38AM (BST)
Third Edit: 03/06/2024 4:14PM (BST)
Region/Applying from: Outside UK

Business Skills:

  • Commercial/business lead (P&L, growth, sales and distribution strategy)
  • Solution sales experts
  • SaaS or enterprise sales leadership for digital services
  • Head of operations for a digital business

Technical Skills:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language
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I understand, just consider it like a visa application where every application/applicant is different. Some might get result earlier and some might later. But everyone will get it within 8 weeks. Fingers crossed for you.

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