Stage 1 waiting times?

I simply changed the approach of my application. My personal statement had to be strong, and then I got recognized industry experts who knew me and my work to write my recommendations.


Thats good. Trying to reach you on linkedin your name not returning result


Applied May 6th
1st Edit - 6th June
2nd Edit - 17th June
3rd Edit - 19th June

Hoping for good news soon
9 days to go

Fingers crossed



Applied May 10th
1st edit: 06/06/2023
2nd edit: 18/06/2023
3rd edit: 18/06/2023
4th edit: 20/06/2023

Endorsement: Today (20/06/2023)

I wish all those waiting for decision, best of luck!



Applied May 6th
1st Edit - 6th June
2nd Edit - 17th June
3rd Edit - 19th June
4th Edit - 20th June

moving very fast now i guess.

Congratulations @aaliyu

Did you apply from inside or outside uk ?

Thank you @Ayomide_Adebisi

Applied within the UK

Talent, outside the UK (Georgia)
applied: May 17
1st edit: June 7
2nd edit: June 21

Hi, is there any news? Ayomide_Adebisi

Upd: 3rd edit 24/06 (thought they do not work on Saturdays)

Any news regarding what?

Here is my timeline so far

Exceptional Promise

Applied - May 27
First Edit - Jun 12
Second Edit - Jun 13
Third Edit - June 25

Do they work on Sunday?

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Looking for encouragement on your journey to get endorsed? Well, let me share my story with you and inspire you not to give up!

Back in October 2022, I embarked on my global talent visa journey. Hours upon hours were spent researching this visa, trying to determine if I was even eligible to apply. Like many others, doubts began to creep in, shaking my confidence.

Then, news broke that Technation was shutting down. It was a wake-up call for me, and I knew I had to step up my efforts. That’s when I stumbled upon this amazing forum. I’m immensely grateful to everyone who has shared their experiences here before. Their stories provided me with an abundance of inspiration, advice, tips, and guidance to prepare my application.

Now, let’s take a journey through the timeline:
Exceptional Promise Business Route (Tech Non-Profit Founder and Doctoral Researcher in Fintech)

  • Applied on March 28th
  • First edit on April 17th
  • Second edit on April 20th (I started panicking here)
  • Third edit on May 5th (I felt hopeful, but I had read about the “3 edits curse” with only a few exceptions, which made me a little nervous)
  • Fourth edit on May 9th

Then came the devastating news on May 10th - my application was fatally rejected. None of the 3 criteria were satisfied, and it was a huge blow. But I refused to let it break my spirit. Once again, the support and strength I found in this incredible community fueled my determination. Since I was already in the UK and not facing an urgent visa situation, I had nothing to lose. I decided to appeal, and the best part? it’s free to do so.
On June 4th, I reapplied with renewed hope and determination.

And today, on June 26th, I am overjoyed to announce that I have been endorsed!

To all of you currently applying, take my story as a source of favour and breakthrough. Don’t lose faith in your dreams. Keep pushing forward, and good luck on your own journey!


What a twist! @Tawiah so encouraging! Thank you! (Waiting >5.5 already)

@tawiah many congratulations on your endorsement. This is very inspiring and I’m sure will be a source of encouragement to many. Can I ask what reasons they provided for your rejection initially. Reason I’m asking is I too am a business applicant in fintech having applied and got rejected earlier this month and not awarded any of the criteria. Would be interesting to know rejection reason and what you used as basis for your review.

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The assessor quickly concluded that I was a banking applicant and disqualified me mainly because I mentioned being an ex-banker who worked closely with the bank’s IT department in my personal statement. This was supposed to be the basis of my interest and application of technology in a professional setting. I merely linked it to my motivation in starting the tech non-profit organisation. I critically dissected every piece of rejection feedback and addressed them individually(It took my time with this), pointing the assessor to parts of my application they may have missed as a counter to their earlier points raised. I hope this helps!

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Thank you @tawiah. I received similar feedback. Challenged every point referencing parts of my original application and submitted review last week. Hoping for the best.

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Today i got the dreaded rejection email after waiting 2 months. Better luck in the future when i have stronger evidences. Good luck to everyone else.

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What was the feedback on your application ? Do you intend to push for a review ?

I received the rejection of my promise endorsement on April 26th and submitted my review on May 24th. I am delighted to share that on June 9th, I received my endorsement and subsequently obtained my visa decision for stage-2. Thanks a lot for the help from @Francisca_Chiedu and @aaliyu for my review!


Congratulations Tawiah. Yes I agree that one should go for appeal in case they think their application was strong enough. I also appealed and got the endorsement in 10 days. My approach was to map each part of the rejection email to the guidelines available [here]( at the time of my application and mention how I think I qualify for the criteria.

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