Stage 1 waiting times?

Exceptional promise

Applied on 23th April 2023
First Edit 16th May 2023
Second Edit 31st May 2023
Third Edit 9th June 2023
Fourth Edit 12th June 2023

Exceptional Promise
Applied 24th April.
1st edit: 16th May
2nd edit: 9 June
3rd Edit: 11 June
4th Edit: 12 June

No decision yet.

This is getting interesting o


How many edits should we be getting before we should start to worry

honestly i dont know… i guess there is nothing to worry about… Just to expect positive feedback


I got the 4th and 5th edits on 12 June. I applied on April 12 still no decision yet.

Here is my timeline so far

Exceptional Promise

Applied - May 27
First Edit - Jun 12
Second Edit - Jun 13

1 Like

1st Edit: 6 June
2nd Edit: 12 June
no decision yet

Are you applying from inside/outside UK?

Hi @Chevthug , Did you get email or separate pdf letter. The reason I asked is because I received an email from with subject Application Update.
In email it is mentioned that
“Tech Nation has advised that you meet its criteria for Exceptional Talent and I am therefore satisfied that you can be endorsed under Global Talent.”

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You only get an email

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I applied April 20
First Edit - May 26th
Second edit - June 2nd

Still no response.

It will come.

I sent an email last week and they responded within 24hrs stating the time frame i should expect a response. You can do same.

Exceptional Talent

Submitted: 12th May
1st Edit: 18th May
2nd Edit: 23rd May
No decision yet

1 Like

Congratulations @ogty

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I got my decision today, luckily I got endorsed.

I applied originally on 30th of March but I messed up the application IDs from GOV.UK so for them I applied officially on 14th of April.

I got my decision today 16th of June.

I wish you all luck,




Quick one, did you apply from within or outside the UK?

How many edits did you get?


Yes, outside the UK (EU).

I don’t know how many edits in total, since I missed the first month (I didn’t know how to check them). In the last 4 weeks I got 3 edits.


Hi mates, here is my stats so far

Talent, outside the UK (Georgia)
applied: May 17
1st edit: June 7

Still waiting.
UPD: based on 11 most recent applicants from the thread the stats are:

  • AVG between application and 1st edit: 21.25
  • MAX: 36
  • AVG between 1st and 2nd edits: 11.25
  • MAX: 24

There is a very few data to calculate further edits.

Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 19.32.25


Applied as Global Talent Promise

Submitted: April 29th, 2023
1st edit: June 5th, 2023
2nd edit: June 17th, 2023

Still no word.

Congratulations. What did you do differently this time.