Stage 1 waiting times?

Submitted on the 28th of March, I’ve only got one edit on the 21st of April, nothing since then.

I applied on march 22nd for Exceptional Talent and still waiting. It’s now 6 weeks today. Anyone else have a similar experience?

I applied on 25th. Gotten only 2 edits since then, no response. It is beginning to look like a rejection to me. It is the hope that kills

I applied same time. When was your last edit and how many edits so far?

One edit on the 24th. Nothing after that. What about you?

Nah, don’t lose hope. They have 8 weeks to respond and likely a huge number of applications considering candidates probably accelerated apps post announcement.

last edit 25th. 4 edits so far

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Applied on 21st March 2023. Still waiting

Ok, so it sounds like there’s a few in the same boat which means it’s probably just workload from a large number of apps.

Good news! My partner just got endorsed! The mail came in about an hour ago.
Submitted March 14th
Endorsed May 3rd
8 edits
Longest 7 weeks we’ve experienced so far😊


Congrats @Tomi. When you received the Endorsement, did your “last edited” change from 15th of April?

Yes, its now 3rd of May

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March 31st! 1 edit on May 2nd. What does this even mean though?

My partner submitted on the 4th April. We unable to check any updates as we used an immigration Firm. The past 4 weeks has been nerve wrecking.
Applied from outside the UK.

It could take up to weeks, be patient.

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I just applied still waiting, the worse part is waiting and not seeing any movement

I Applied on 25 Mar and submitted the documents by 8 April. Yesterday i saw 1st edit, i dont think this edit means anything other than someone saw the documents. But you can ask your immigration firm to check the preview button
Screenshot 2023-05-05 at 9.29.37 AM

@Pankaj_Doharey thank you. Will contact them.

I registered and submitted both and tech nation form on 25 March, I received e-mail on 28 March that it has been submitted to Technation.
my first edit was on 19 April and second edit is 5 May. I am still waiting.
I was not aware of this forum.

I just got endorsed after 6 edits