Stage 1 waiting times?

Hi I received the email at about 3pm

Thank You. I applied abroad

[quote=“Mummytwins, post:887, topic:2655”]
Submitted: 01 March
1st Edit- 3rd March
2nd Edit-06 March
3rd Edit-08th March

Same here, submitted since 28th of February and i haven’t gotten any edit to show my application is been reviewed.

Submitted 16th Feb -

1st Edit: 8th March
2nd Edit: 9th March
3rd Edit: 12th March
4th Edit: 14th March

Still waiting - 14th march

I have applied on Feb 18th still waiting , applied from outside UK…

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Congratulations. All the best with stage 2

Congratulations @Mummytwins

Thank you @Francisca_Chiedu you are amazing

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Thank you and good luck

Hey everyone, need some suggestions. I am initiating my application for Global Talent Visa. Should I target to submit it before March 31st, considering the news from Tech Nation to cease operations, or should I wait and watch the updates on this aspect. Even if I submit by March 31st, will my application be reviewed or there is a possibility that the process may change, in case a new endorsement body is assigned?

Any updates for you or any others got endorsement today or yesterday ?

Any updates for you ?

Nope nothing yet from Tech Nation side. No more edits as well so its stuck at 3rd edit as of now for a week

Nope, no update yet.

Any ideas why some are faster than others

Hi everyone! I applied to Home office on Mar 1st, submitted application materials on the 7th, and just received the endorsement letter. I saw one edit on the 9th but have not checked afterwards. I’m based in UK already and on tier2 visa.

Will share details later, but want to wish everyone the best luck!


I guess some applications are more straightforward than others.

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congratulations @GTVCH

Congrats. @GTVCH Happy for you. Hopefully we flood this place with Good news this week

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